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Static Website Hosted on AWS S3

The component version of aws-js-s3-folder. For a detailed walkthrough of this example, see Tutorial: Pulumi Components.

Deploying and running the program

  1. Create a new stack:

    $ pulumi stack init website-component-testing
  2. Set the AWS region:

    $ pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2
  3. Restore NPM modules via npm install.

  4. Run pulumi update to preview and deploy changes.

    $ pulumi update
    Previewing update of stack 'website-component-testing'
    Previewing changes:
    Updating stack 'website-component-testing'
    Performing changes:
        Type                       Name                                                  Status      Info
    +   pulumi:pulumi:Stack        aws-js-s3-folder-component-website-component-testing  created
    +   └─ examples:S3Folder       pulumi-static-site                                    created
    +      ├─ aws:s3:Bucket        pulumi-static-site                                    created
    +      ├─ aws:s3:BucketPolicy  bucketPolicy                                          created
    +      ├─ aws:s3:BucketObject  favicon.png                                           created
    +      └─ aws:s3:BucketObject  index.html                                            created
    bucketName: "pulumi-static-site-517ff4e"
    websiteUrl: undefined
    info: 6 changes performed:
        + 6 resources created
    Update duration: 8.997389052s
  5. To see the resources that were created, run pulumi stack output:

    $ pulumi stack output
    Current stack outputs (2):
        OUTPUT                                           VALUE
        bucketName                                       s3-website-bucket-e7c0411
  6. To see that the S3 objects exist, you can either use the AWS Console or the AWS CLI:

    $ aws s3 ls $(pulumi stack output bucketName)
    2018-04-17 15:40:47      13731 favicon.png
    2018-04-17 15:40:48        249 index.html
  7. Open the site URL in a browser to see both the rendered HTML and the favicon:

    $ pulumi stack output websiteUrl
  8. To clean up resources, run pulumi destroy and answer the confirmation question at the prompt.