output "domain_arn" { value = join("", aws_elasticsearch_domain.default.*.arn) description = "ARN of the Elasticsearch domain" } output "domain_id" { value = join("", aws_elasticsearch_domain.default.*.domain_id) description = "Unique identifier for the Elasticsearch domain" } output "domain_endpoint" { value = join("", aws_elasticsearch_domain.default.*.endpoint) description = "Domain-specific endpoint used to submit index, search, and data upload requests" } output "elasticsearch_user_iam_role_name" { value = join(",", aws_iam_role.elasticsearch_user.*.name) description = "The name of the IAM role to allow access to Elasticsearch cluster" } output "elasticsearch_user_iam_role_arn" { value = join(",", aws_iam_role.elasticsearch_user.*.arn) description = "The ARN of the IAM role to allow access to Elasticsearch cluster" }