require 'tempfile' module VagrantPlugins module HostManager module HostsFile class Updater def initialize(global_env, provider) @global_env = global_env @config = Util.get_config(@global_env) @provider = provider @logger ='vagrant::hostmanager::updater') @logger.debug("init updater") end def update_guest(machine) return unless machine.communicate.ready? if (machine.communicate.test("uname -s | grep SunOS")) realhostfile = "/etc/inet/hosts" line_endings = "lf" elsif (machine.communicate.test("test -d $Env:SystemRoot")) windir = "" machine.communicate.execute("echo %SYSTEMROOT%", {:shell => :cmd}) do |type, contents| windir << contents.gsub("\r\n", '') if type == :stdout end realhostfile = "#{windir}\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts" line_endings = "crlf" else realhostfile = "/etc/hosts" line_endings = "lf" end # download and modify file with Vagrant-managed entries file = @global_env.tmp_path.join("hosts.#{}"), file) @logger.debug("file is: #{file.to_s}") @logger.debug("class of file is: #{file.class}") if update_file(file, machine, false, line_endings) # upload modified file and remove temporary file machine.communicate.upload(file.to_s, "/tmp/hosts.#{}") if windir machine.communicate.sudo("mv -force /tmp/hosts.#{} #{realhostfile}") else machine.communicate.sudo("cat /tmp/hosts.#{} > #{realhostfile} && rm -f /tmp/hosts.#{}") end end end def update_host # copy and modify hosts file on host with Vagrant-managed entries file = @global_env.tmp_path.join('hosts.local') if # lazily include windows Module class << self include WindowsSupport unless include? WindowsSupport end hosts_location = "#{ENV['WINDIR']}\\System32\\drivers\\etc\\hosts" copy_proc = { windows_copy_file(file, hosts_location) } line_endings = "crlf" else hosts_location = '/etc/hosts' copy_proc = { `[ -w "#{hosts_location}" ] && cat "#{file}" > "#{hosts_location}" || sudo cp "#{file}" "#{hosts_location}"` } line_endings = "lf" end FileUtils.cp(hosts_location, file) if update_file(file, nil, true, line_endings) end end private def update_file(file, resolving_machine = nil, include_id = true, line_endings) file = old_file_content = new_file_content = update_content(old_file_content, resolving_machine, include_id, line_endings)'wb') { |io| io.write(new_file_content) } old_file_content != new_file_content end def update_content(file_content, resolving_machine, include_id, line_endings) id = include_id ? " id: #{read_or_create_id}" : "" header = "## vagrant-hostmanager-start#{id}" footer = "## vagrant-hostmanager-end" body = get_machines .map { |machine| get_hosts_file_entry(machine, resolving_machine) } .join get_new_content(header, footer, body, file_content, line_endings) end def get_hosts_file_entry(machine, resolving_machine) ip = get_ip_address(machine, resolving_machine) host = machine.config.vm.hostname || aliases = machine.config.hostmanager.aliases if ip != nil "#{ip}\t#{host}\n" +{|a| "#{ip}\t#{a}"}.join("\n") + "\n" end end def get_ip_address(machine, resolving_machine) custom_ip_resolver = machine.config.hostmanager.ip_resolver if custom_ip_resolver, resolving_machine) else ip = nil if machine.config.hostmanager.ignore_private_ip != true machine.config.vm.networks.each do |network| key, options = network[0], network[1] ip = options[:ip] if key == :private_network break if ip end end ip || (machine.ssh_info ? machine.ssh_info[:host] : nil) end end def get_machines if @config.hostmanager.include_offline? machines = @global_env.machine_names else machines = @global_env.active_machines .select { |name, provider| provider == @provider } .collect { |name, provider| name } end # Collect only machines that exist for the current provider machines.collect do |name| begin machine = @global_env.machine(name, @provider) rescue Vagrant::Errors::MachineNotFound # ignore end machine end .reject(&:nil?) end def get_new_content(header, footer, body, old_content, line_endings) if body.empty? block = "\n" else block = "\n\n" + header + "\n" + body + footer + "\n\n" end # Pattern for finding existing block header_pattern = Regexp.quote(header) footer_pattern = Regexp.quote(footer) pattern ="[\r\n]*#{header_pattern}.*?#{footer_pattern}[\r\n]*", Regexp::MULTILINE) # Replace existing block or append content = old_content.match(pattern) ? old_content.sub(pattern, block) : old_content.rstrip + block if line_endings == "crlf" content.encode(content.encoding, :universal_encoding => true).encode(content.encoding, :crlf_newline => true) elsif line_endings == "lf" content.encode(content.encoding, :universal_encoding => true) else content.encode(content.encoding, :universal_encoding => true) end end def read_or_create_id file ="#{@global_env.local_data_path}/hostmanager/id") if (file.file?) id = else id = SecureRandom.uuid file.dirname.mkpath'w') { |io| io.write(id) } end id end ## Windows support for copying files, requesting elevated privileges if necessary module WindowsSupport require 'rbconfig' def RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/ end require 'win32ole' if windows? def windows_copy_file(source, dest) begin # First, try Ruby copy FileUtils.cp(source, dest) rescue Errno::EACCES # Access denied, try with elevated privileges windows_copy_file_elevated(source, dest) end end private def windows_copy_file_elevated(source, dest) # copy command only supports backslashes as separators source, dest = [source, dest].map { |s| s.to_s.gsub(/\//, '\\') } # run 'cmd /C copy ...' with elevated privilege, minimized copy_cmd = "copy \"#{source}\" \"#{dest}\""'Shell.Application').ShellExecute('cmd', "/C #{copy_cmd}", nil, 'runas', 7) # Unfortunately, ShellExecute does not give us a status code, # and it is non-blocking so we can't reliably compare the file contents # to see if they were copied. # # If the user rejects the UAC prompt, vagrant will silently continue # without updating the hostsfile. end end end end end end