- Philadelphia
- @delagoya
Serverless application to monitor an AWS Batch architecture through dashboards.
AWS ParallelCluster is an AWS supported Open Source cluster management tool to deploy and manage HPC clusters in the AWS cloud.
A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines
DeepVariant-on-Spark is a germline short variant calling pipeline that runs Google DeepVariant on Apache Spark at scale.
This is a repo of HPC workshops that will be used to facilitate on-site engagements, or be used at conferences and summits.
Batch ETL pipeline to mirror ClinVar releases into the Jade Data Repository.
A complete Snakemake pipeline for detecting allele specific expression in RNA-seq
Examples of single-cell genomic analysis accelerated with RAPIDS
OpenSCAD primitive solids with round edges and corners. Provides a debug mode to save resources while modeling
Specifications of SAM/BAM and related high-throughput sequencing file formats
Cross platform GUI toolkit in Go inspired by Material Design
Applied Computational Genomics Course at UU: Spring 2020
Wrapper for Cromwell workflow engine, adding auth, multiuser, github integration & more
Amazon SageMaker for Researchers Workshop
Informatics for RNA-seq: A web resource for analysis on the cloud. Educational tutorials and working pipelines for RNA-seq analysis including an introduction to: cloud computing, critical file form…
Software sets up and runs an genome sequencing analysis workflow using AWS Batch and AWS Step Functions.
Scripts for implementing read until and other examples.
A C++ header-only library for reading Oxford Nanopore Fast5 files
Ultrafast de novo assembly for long noisy reads (though having no consensus step)
C library for high-throughput sequencing data formats
Scientific workflow engine designed for simplicity & scalability. Trivially transition between one off use cases to massive scale production environments
a toolkit for working with Oxford nanopore data