ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) in 11 # prediction = finder.get_answers(question="What is the 997 GT3 0-100 acceleration?", top_k_retriever=20, top_k_reader=5) 12 # prediction = finder.get_answers(question="When was the 944 first produced?", top_k_retriever=20, top_k_reader=3) ---> 13 prediction = finder.get_answers(question="When was the 944 produced?", top_k_retriever=20, top_k_reader=3) 14 15 print_answers(prediction,) # details="minimal") /media/dn/dssd/nlp/haystack/haystack/ in get_answers(self, question, top_k_reader, top_k_retriever, filters) 49 paragrahps=paragraphs, 50 meta_data_paragraphs=meta_data, ---> 51 top_k=top_k_reader) 52 53 return results /media/dn/dssd/nlp/haystack/haystack/reader/ in predict(self, question, paragrahps, meta_data_paragraphs, top_k) 79 for p in paragrahps: 80 query = {"context": p, "question": question} ---> 81 predictions = self.model(query, topk=self.n_best_per_passage) 82 # assemble and format all answers 83 for pred in predictions: ~/anaconda3/envs/nlpu/lib/python3.7/site-packages/transformers/ in __call__(self, *texts, **kwargs) 812 # Retrieve the score for the context tokens only (removing question tokens) 813 fw_args = {k: torch.tensor(v, device=self.device) for (k, v) in fw_args.items()} --> 814 start, end = self.model(**fw_args) 815 start, end = start.cpu().numpy(), end.cpu().numpy() 816 ValueError: too many values to unpack (expected 2)