# About cookies_filters_git_MajkiIT [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/dead-hosts/cookies_filters_git_MajkiIT.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/dead-hosts/cookies_filters_git_MajkiIT) ``` CertyficateIT - Oficjalne polskie filtry do Adblock, uBlock Origin, Adguard ``` -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # About Dead-hosts [Dead-Hosts](https://github.com/dead-hosts) is the replacement of the original idea behind [funilrys/dead-hosts](https://github.com/funilrys/dead-hosts). Indeed, the idea was to test - with the help of PyFunceble and Travis CI - hosts file, list of domains or even bocklist to have a list of only active domains or IP. Today, we provide our infrastructure for anybody who want it. [Just ask](https://github.com/dead-hosts/dev-center/issues/new?template=inclusion-request.md)! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # About PyFunceble PyFunceble is the tool that our infrastructure use to get the status (ACTIVE, INVALID, INACTIVE) of a given domain or IPv4. Please find more information about it there: * http://pyfunceble.github.io * http://pyfunceble.readthedocs.io * https://github.com/funilrys/PyFunceble