# To build this Dockerfile, run `docker build -t abacus - < Dockerfile`. # Alternatively, pull the image with `docker pull ghcr.io/deepmodeling/abacus:latest`. # Also available at `docker pull registry.dp.tech/deepmodeling/abacus:latest`. # Docker images are aimed for evaluating ABACUS. # For production use, please compile ABACUS from source code and run in bare-metal for a better performace. FROM ubuntu:22.04 RUN apt update && apt install -y --no-install-recommends \ libopenblas-dev liblapack-dev libscalapack-mpi-dev libelpa-dev libfftw3-dev libcereal-dev libxc-dev \ g++ make cmake bc time sudo vim git # If you wish to use the LLVM compiler, replace 'g++' above with 'clang libomp-dev'. ENV GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true TERM=xterm-256color \ OMPI_ALLOW_RUN_AS_ROOT=1 OMPI_ALLOW_RUN_AS_ROOT_CONFIRM=1 OMPI_MCA_btl_vader_single_copy_mechanism=none RUN git clone https://github.com/deepmodeling/abacus-develop.git --depth 1 && \ cd abacus-develop && \ cmake -B build && \ cmake --build build -j`nproc` && \ cmake --install build && \ cd .. && rm -rf abacus-develop # If you have trouble cloning repo, replace "github.com" with "gitee.com". CMD mpirun --use-hwthread-cpus abacus # To run ABACUS built by this image with all available threads, execute `docker run -v : -w abacus:latest`. # Replace '' with the path to all files(including pseudopotential files), '' with a path to working directory, and '' with the path to input folder(containing 'INPUT', 'STRU', etc.). # e.g. after cloning the repo to `$HOME` and pulling image, execute `docker run -v ~/abacus-develop/tests/integrate:/workspace -w /workspace/101_PW_15_f_pseudopots abacus:latest`. # To run ABACUS with a given MPI process number, execute `docker run -v : -w -it --entrypoint mpirun abacus:latest -np abacus`. # Note: It would be better using all available CPUs. Docker uses CFS to share the CPU resources, which will result in bad CPU affinity. # To use this image as developing environment, execute `docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/bash abacus`. # Please refer to https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/run/ for more details.