package authy import ( "fmt" "io" "log" "net" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" ) var ( // Logger is the default logger of this package. You can override it with your own. Logger = log.New(os.Stderr, "[authy] ", log.LstdFlags) _Dialer = &net.Dialer{ Timeout: 5 * time.Second, KeepAlive: 30 * time.Second, } // DefaultTransport is the default transport struct for the HTTP client DefaultTransport = &http.Transport{ Proxy: http.ProxyFromEnvironment, DialContext: _Dialer.DialContext, MaxIdleConns: 128, IdleConnTimeout: 30 * time.Second, TLSHandshakeTimeout: 5 * time.Second, ExpectContinueTimeout: 3 * time.Second, } ) const ( longPollingDelay = 2000 * time.Millisecond ) const ( // SMS indicates the message will be delivered via SMS SMS = "sms" // Voice indicates the message will be delivered via phone call Voice = "call" ) // Details for OneTouch transaction type Details map[string]string // Authy contains credentials to connect to the Authy's API type Authy struct { APIKey string BaseURL string Client heimdall.Client } // NewAuthyAPI returns an instance of Authy pointing to production. func NewAuthyAPI(apiKey string) *Authy { apiURL := "" initalTimeout := 2 * time.Millisecond maxTimeout := 1000 * time.Millisecond exponentFactor := 2.0 maximumJitterInterval := 2 * time.Millisecond backoff := heimdall.NewExponentialBackoff(initalTimeout, maxTimeout, exponentFactor, maximumJitterInterval) client := httpclient.NewClient( httpclient.WithHTTPTimeout(1*time.Second), httpclient.WithRetrier(heimdall.NewRetrier(backoff)), httpclient.WithRetryCount(4), httpclient.WithHTTPClient(&http.Client{ Transport: DefaultTransport, }), ) return &Authy{ APIKey: apiKey, BaseURL: apiURL, Client: client, } } // RegisterUser register a new user given an email and phone number. func (authy *Authy) RegisterUser(email string, countryCode int, phoneNumber string, params url.Values) (*User, error) { Logger.Println("Creating Authy user with", email, ",", phoneNumber, "and", countryCode) path := "/protected/json/users/new" params.Set("user[cellphone]", phoneNumber) params.Set("user[country_code]", strconv.Itoa(countryCode)) params.Set("user[email]", email) response, err := authy.DoRequest("POST", path, params) if err != nil { return nil, err } userResponse, err := NewUser(response) return userResponse, err } // UserStatus returns a set of data about a user. func (authy *Authy) UserStatus(id string, params url.Values) (*UserStatus, error) { Logger.Println("Finding Authy user with id", id) path := fmt.Sprintf("/protected/json/users/%s/status", id) response, err := authy.DoRequest("GET", path, params) if err != nil { return nil, err } statusResponse, err := NewUserStatus(response) return statusResponse, err } // VerifyToken verifies the given token func (authy *Authy) VerifyToken(userID string, token string, params url.Values) (*TokenVerification, error) { path := "/protected/json/verify/" + url.QueryEscape(token) + "/" + url.QueryEscape(userID) response, err := authy.DoRequest("GET", path, params) if err != nil { Logger.Println("Error while contacting the API:", err) return nil, err } defer closeResponseBody(response) tokenVerification, err := NewTokenVerification(response) return tokenVerification, err } // RequestSMS requests a SMS for the given userID func (authy *Authy) RequestSMS(userID string, params url.Values) (*SMSRequest, error) { path := "/protected/json/sms/" + url.QueryEscape(userID) response, err := authy.DoRequest("GET", path, params) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer closeResponseBody(response) smsVerification, err := NewSMSRequest(response) return smsVerification, err } // RequestPhoneCall requests a phone call for the given user func (authy *Authy) RequestPhoneCall(userID string, params url.Values) (*PhoneCallRequest, error) { path := "/protected/json/call/" + url.QueryEscape(userID) response, err := authy.DoRequest("GET", path, params) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer closeResponseBody(response) smsVerification, err := NewPhoneCallRequest(response) return smsVerification, err } // SendApprovalRequest sends a OneTouch's approval request to the given user. func (authy *Authy) SendApprovalRequest(userID string, message string, details Details, params url.Values) (*ApprovalRequest, error) { addParamsForOneTouch(params, message, details) path := fmt.Sprintf(`/onetouch/json/users/%s/approval_requests`, url.QueryEscape(userID)) response, err := authy.DoRequest("POST", path, params) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer closeResponseBody(response) return NewApprovalRequest(response) } // FindApprovalRequest finds an approval request given its uuid. func (authy *Authy) FindApprovalRequest(uuid string, params url.Values) (*ApprovalRequest, error) { path := fmt.Sprintf("/onetouch/json/approval_requests/%s", uuid) response, err := authy.DoRequest("GET", path, params) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer closeResponseBody(response) approvalRequest, err := NewApprovalRequest(response) if err != nil { return nil, err } approvalRequest.UUID = uuid return approvalRequest, nil } // WaitForApprovalRequest waits until the status of an approval request has changed or times out. func (authy *Authy) WaitForApprovalRequest(uuid string, maxDuration time.Duration, params url.Values) (OneTouchStatus, error) { for maxDuration > 0 { request, err := authy.FindApprovalRequest(uuid, url.Values{}) if err != nil { return OneTouchStatusPending, err } if request.Status != OneTouchStatusPending { return request.Status, nil } maxDuration -= longPollingDelay time.Sleep(longPollingDelay) } return OneTouchStatusExpired, nil } // StartPhoneVerification starts the phone verification process. func (authy *Authy) StartPhoneVerification(countryCode int, phoneNumber string, via string, params url.Values) (*PhoneVerificationStart, error) { params.Set("country_code", strconv.Itoa(countryCode)) params.Set("phone_number", phoneNumber) params.Set("via", via) path := fmt.Sprintf("/protected/json/phones/verification/start") response, err := authy.DoRequest("POST", path, params) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer closeResponseBody(response) return NewPhoneVerificationStart(response) } // CheckPhoneVerification checks the given verification code. func (authy *Authy) CheckPhoneVerification(countryCode int, phoneNumber string, verificationCode string, params url.Values) (*PhoneVerificationCheck, error) { params.Set("country_code", strconv.Itoa(countryCode)) params.Set("phone_number", phoneNumber) params.Set("verification_code", verificationCode) path := fmt.Sprintf("/protected/json/phones/verification/check") response, err := authy.DoRequest("GET", path, params) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer closeResponseBody(response) return NewPhoneVerificationCheck(response) } // DoRequest performs a HTTP request to the Authy API func (authy *Authy) DoRequest(method string, path string, params url.Values) (*http.Response, error) { apiURL := authy.buildURL(path) // Set api_key to all requests. params.Set("api_key", authy.APIKey) var bodyReader io.Reader switch method { case "POST": { encodedParams := params.Encode() bodyReader = strings.NewReader(encodedParams) } case "GET": { apiURL += "?" + params.Encode() } } request, err := http.NewRequest(method, apiURL, bodyReader) if method == "POST" { request.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") } if err != nil { Logger.Println("Error creating HTTP request:", err) return nil, err } response, err := authy.Client.Do(request) return response, err } func (authy *Authy) buildURL(path string) string { if path[0] != '/' { path = "/" + path } url := authy.BaseURL + path return url } func closeResponseBody(response *http.Response) { err := response.Body.Close() if err != nil { Logger.Println("Error closing response body:", err) } } func addParamsForOneTouch(params url.Values, message string, details map[string]string) url.Values { params.Set("message", message) for key, value := range details { params.Set(fmt.Sprintf("details[%s]", key), value) } return params }