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This project is the website setup and content for

Screenshot of

Site structure

module structure

  • - this repository, website configuration and content
  • hugo-theme - the theme used for the website
  • hugo-blockify - a module that adds reusable components to any Hugo website.

This site's infrastructure is as follows:

Domain Registration DNS and CDN Hosting SSG Build
Google Cloudflare Netlify Hugo

Feel free to open an issue to ask questions, discover undocumented details, or suggest improvements. Discussions are also open directly or via commenting on articles.

General notes

  • The keywords MUST, MUST NOT, REQUIRED, SHOULD, SHOULD NOT, RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
  • I am working on Ubuntu, meaning all code samples in this document are working on Ubuntu and any comparable (Debian-based) Linux system. If you use another operating system, you are on your own. I assume most tools, scripts, and procedures should work on other systems with the appropriate changes because I mainly use open-source programs and scripts.


Install this repository and all submodules via git clone --recurse-submodules If you have cloned the repository before reading this, run git submodule update --init --recursive to get the submodules up-to-date.

Prepare the development environment

  • Hugo (Installation instructions)
  • Node.js (I recommend using NVM to install Node.js)
  • Bash (available on any self-respecting operating system)
  • Shellcheck (snap install -channel=edge shellcheck)
  • Running npm install will add all set-up requirements
  • Copy .env.sample to .env and specify the values used by scripts and the build systems for various tasks. You MUST NOT commit the .env file to the repository for privacy and security reasons. Take notes of your configuration data somewhere safe, like in Keybase or a password manager.
  • Setup signed tags with npm config set sign-git-tag true

Advanced setup steps

  • GitHub Actions: To enable the step to debug logging for the GitHub Workflows, you must set the following secret in the repository that contains the workflow: ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG to true. You find the settings page by following Settings > Secrets > Actions from the repositories home page.


Install and set up pre-commit to lint commits for quality and security. Python is required for this. Then run the following commands to set up pre-commit locally:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install

Other pre-commit commands are: If you installed pre-commit and one of your commits won't "get through" due to some weird overzealous configuration, you can always commit manually via git commit --no-verify; use your brain on this one.

SSL/TLS setup

Hugo introduced a new SSL feature in v0.113.0. The setup is still quite manual, but it's a start. To enable SSL/TLS, you need to do the following:

  • install mkcert (see mkcert)

    hugo server trust


Dev Setup

Set IP and PORT for your local machine in .env. IP MAY also be a hostname (without protocol).


This configures the Hugo server so you can access the site from other machines (and mobile devices) in your local network. Again: you MUST NOT commit this file to any public code versioning system as it contains private information.

To start the development server, run npm run server, which runs the Hugo server with more or less paranoid settings (show translation issues, template issues, be verbose, debug, the more, the better). For example, running just hugo server will start Hugo on localhost:1313.


Sidenote: I use these scripts only if I want to create a new minor or major release of the website. All other "releases" are done when deploying the website (see Deploy).

  • Create patch release with npm run release or npm run release:patch
  • Create minor release with npm run release:minor
  • Create major release with npm run release:major


As noted, this repository is optimized for Netlify. To create a local copy of the website, run npm run build or ./bin/netlify/build.

Running npm run deploy creates a new tag in the main branch and deploys the site on Netlify.


The theme is part of this repository, mainly in the layouts folder.


  • Spacing (margin and padding) is applied from top to bottom.
  • We use responsive design principles with mobile-first. No unnecessary rows inside of rows (container>row>col>row>col) if this isn't explicitly required. It isn't needed anyway.
  • Do re-use and recycle styles.

Netlify setup

npm install netlify-cli -g && netlify login
netlify --telemetry-disable // shouldn't that be the default?
netlify init
netlify build

If any errors come up while running this, then fix them.

Hooks (WIP)

Hooks are listed in their order of appearance.

Hook File Runs Depends on Description
init partials/init.html 1 before anything else runs (before the pagination object is created)
init-end partials/init.html 1 after the pagination object is created and in scratch
setup _default/baseof.html 1 at the beginning of the main layout
body-start _default/baseof.html 1
body-pre-main _default/baseof.html 1
body-main-start _default/baseof.html 1
body-main-end _default/baseof.html 1
body-post-main _default/baseof.html 1
body-end-pre-script _default/baseof.html 1
body-end _default/baseof.html 1
teardown _default/baseof.html 1



This website has the following archetypes with their respective front matters and features:

  • default - the default archetype for all content types
  • blog - the archetype for blog posts
  • components - the archetype for components
  • hugo-release-notes - the archetype for Hugo release notes
  • music2program2 - the archetype for developer music playlists
  • notes-from-the-laboratory - the archetype for notes from the laboratory
  • tags - the archetype for tags

Front matter parameters

Layout options


  comments: false

The following front matter parameters exist to fine-tune the layouts and theme options:

  • comments - set to false to turn off comment forms and display (default: true)
  • showdate - set to false to turn off the date per post display (default: true)


The hugo-theme implements the following shortcodes:

  • {{< color-table >}}
  • {{< component-box >}}
  • {{< contact-form >}}
  • {{< quote >}}
  • {{< taglist >}}

Other shortcodes are implemented in hugo-blockify.

Code and Content Quality


On Save

Vale (wording and grammar checks) uses Vale to lint markdown content files. Styles and vocab are saved in tests/vale.


snap install --edge vale

Run tests:

vale content
npm run lint:vale

Visual Studio Code Plugin:

Install the Vale plugin. No configuration is required.

Updating Vale
vale sync

Markdownlint (markdown format checks)

On Commit



Generating the component cards requires Inkscape and optipng. Install them with the following:

sudo apt install inkscape optipng


This website's written content is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. In addition, the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT License.

While this repository is available publicly, all content is subject to copyright and may not be re-used or copied into other website projects. The content is everything in this site's content folder or documentation and code. Other parts of this project, like assets and layouts, are available for educational use and can be copied to your projects. You MUST NOT re-use the full (complete) theme, but you MAY use parts and principles of it.

TBD: note about fonts that might be licensed

Long story short: go and create something by yourself, and if you want to know how a feature on this website was realized, feel free to have a look or ask.