A little tool to play with Windows security
Program to decode radio transmissions from devices on the ISM bands (and other frequencies)
Custom firmware for the HackRF+PortaPack H1/H2/H4
Powerful automated tool for reverse engineering Unity IL2CPP binaries
ret-sync is a set of plugins that helps to synchronize a debugging session (WinDbg/GDB/LLDB/OllyDbg2/x64dbg) with IDA/Ghidra/Binary Ninja disassemblers.
Remote video eavesdropping using a software-defined radio platform
The most powerful open source SDK for the PS1 (as far as open source PS1 SDKs go). Not recommended for beginner use.
Run Microsoft Windows NTVDM (DOS) on 64bit Editions
Custom firmware for the HackRF SDR + PortaPack H1 addon
Exploit to allow loading arbitrary code on the PSX using only a memory card (no game needed)
ModSDK - a modding toolkit to create mods for Crash Team Racing in C. This repository also houses an effort to fully decompile and reverse-engineer CTR in C.
CVE-2020-0601 #curveball - Alternative Key Calculator
A USB development cartridge for the Playstation 1
ESP32 IR transmitter for use with the PriceHax project.