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Sync sans I/O WebRTC implementation in Rust.

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We have managed to transfer video and data.


Str0m was originally developed by Martin Algesten of [Lookback][]. We use str0m at Lookback for a specific use case: str0m as a server SFU (as opposed to peer-2-peer). That means we are heavily testing and developing the parts needed for our use case. Str0m is intended to be an all-purpose WebRTC library, which means it should also work for peer-2-peer (mostly thinking about the ICE agent), but these areas have not received as much attention and testing.

While performance appears to be very good, only some attempts have been made to discover and optimize bottlenecks. For instance, while str0m probably never be allocation free, there might be unnecessary allocations and cloning that could be improved. Another area is to make sure the crypto parts use efficient algorithms and hardware acceleration as far as possible.


                      |  Rtc  |-------+----------+-------+
                      +-------+       |          |       |
                          |           |          |       |
                          |           |          |       |
           - - - -    - - - - -    - - - -    - - - - - - - -
          |  RTP  |--| Session |  |  ICE  |  | SCTP  | DTLS  |
           - - - -    - - - - -    - - - -    - - - - - - - -
                          |                          |
                 +--------+--------+                 |
                 |                 |
                 |                 |                 |
             +-------+        +---------+
             | Media |        | Channel |- - - - - - +
             +-------+        +---------+


The http-post example roughly illustrates how to receive media data from a browser client. The example is single threaded without any async I/O.

The chat example shows how to connect multiple browsers together and act as an SFU. The example multiplexes all traffic over one server UDP socket and uses two threads (one for the web server, and one for the SFU loop).


For passive connections, i.e. where the media and initial OFFER is made by a remote peer, we need these steps to open the connection.

let mut rtc = Rtc::new(); // 1
rtc.add_local_candidate(candidate); // 2
let answer = rtc.accept_offer(offer).unwrap(); // 3
// 4
  1. Instantiate a new Rtc instance.
  2. Add some ICE candidate such as a locally bound UDP port.
  3. Accept an incoming offer and get the corresponding answer. The candidates in 2 will be communicated in the answer. Similarly to the standard WebRTC API, how offer/answer are transported between the Rtc instance and the client is a separate concern, but typically done via HTTP POST or a WebSocket.
  4. Go to Run loop below.


Active connections means we are making the inital OFFER and waiting for a remote ANSWER to start the connection.

let mut rtc = Rtc::new(); // 1
rtc.add_local_candidate(candidate); // 2
let mut change = rtc.create_offer(); // 3
let mid = change.add_media(MediaKind::Audio, Direction::SendRecv); // 4
let offer = change.apply(); // 5
// 6
rtc.pending_changes().unwrap().accept_answer(answer)?; // 7
// 8
  1. Instantiate a new Rtc instance.
  2. Add some ICE candidate such as a locally bound UDP port.
  3. Create a ChangeSet. The change set is a builder pattern that lets us make multiple changes before sending the offer.
  4. Do some change. A valid OFFER needs at least one "m-line" (media).
  5. Get the offer.
  6. Forward the offer to the remote peer and await the answer. How to transfer this is outside the scope for this library.
  7. Apply answer.
  8. Go to Run loop below.

Run loop

Driving the state of the Rtc forward is a run loop that looks like this.

loop {
    // Poll output until we get a timeout. The timeout means we are either awaiting UDP socket input
    // or the timeout to happen.
    let timeout = match rtc.poll_output()? { // 1
        Output::Timeout(v) => v, // 2

        Output::Transmit(v) => {
            // Transmit data via the bound UDP socket.
            socket.send_to(&v.contents, v.destination)?;

        Output::Event(v) => {
            // Handle events from the Rtc instance.

            // Abort if we disconnect.
            if v == Event::IceConnectionStateChange(IceConnectionState::Disconnected) {
                return Ok(());

    let timeout = timeout - Instant::now();

    // socket.set_read_timeout(Some(0)) is not ok
    if timeout.is_zero() {

    buf.resize(2000, 0);

    let input = match socket.recv_from(&mut buf) { // 3
        Ok((n, source)) => {
                Receive {
                    destination: socket.local_addr().unwrap(),
                    contents: buf.as_slice().try_into()?,

        Err(e) => match e.kind() {
            // Expected error for set_read_timeout(). One for windows, one for the rest.
            ErrorKind::WouldBlock | ErrorKind::TimedOut => Input::Timeout(Instant::now()),
            _ => return Err(e.into()),

    rtc.handle_input(input)?; // 4
  1. Call rtc.poll_output(), the output can be of three kinds: a. Transmit. Some UDP data that needs transmitting. b. Event. Some state change, or incoming media data. c. Timeout. The time the Rtc instance needs time to be moved forward.
  2. Keep doing 1 until we get a c timeout.
  3. Await the time in 2, or receive UDP input data.
  4. Push UDP data or the timeout from 2 using rtc.handle_input(<time or input data>).
  5. Repeat from 1.

Sending media data

When creating the m-line, we can decide which codecs to support, which is then negotiated with the remote side. Each codec corresponds to a "payload type" (PT). To send media data we need to figure out which PT to use when sending.

let media =; // 1
let pt = media.codecs()[0]; // 2
media.write(pt, None, time, data)? // 3
  1. Get the Media for this mid.
  2. Get the payload type (pt) for the wanted codec.
  3. Write the data.


This project is heavily inspired by quinn, and specifically quinn-proto which is the sync underpinnings of quinn. Similarly, str0m could be packaged up in a simpler async API, this is however out of scope for now.

Sans I/O

Sans I/O is a pattern where we turn both network input/output as well as time passing into external input to the API. This means str0m has no internal threads, just an enormous state machine that is driven forward by different kinds of input.

Sample or RTP level?

All codecs such as h264, vp8, vp9 outputs what we call "Samples" where a sample is a time coded chunk of encoded data that typically represents one frame. Samples are not suitable to use directly in UDP (RTP) packets - for one they are too big. Samples are therefore further chunked up by codec specific packetizers into RTP packets.

Str0m's API currently operate on the "sample level". From an architectural point of view, all things RTP are considered an internal detail that are largely abstracted away from the user. This is different from many other RTP libraries where the RTP packets themselves are the the API surface towards the user (when building an SFU one would often talk about "forwarding RTP packets", while with str0m we would "forward samples").

Whether this is a good idea is still an open question. It certainly makes for cleaner abstractions. However plans for an RTP level API are also there: algesten#5

NIC enumeration and TURN (and STUN)

The ICE RFC talks about "gathering ice candidates". This means inspecting the local network interfaces and potentially binding UDP sockets on each usable interface. Since str0m is Sans I/O, this part is outside the scope of what str0m does. How the user figures out local IP addresses, via config or via looking up local NICs is not something str0m cares about.

TURN is a way of obtaining IP addresses that can be used as fallback in case direct connections fail. We consider TURN similar to enumerating local network interfaces – it's a way of obtaining sockets.

All discovered candidates, be they local (NIC) or remote sockets (TURN), are added to str0m and str0m will perform the task of ICE agent, forming "candidate pairs" and figuring out the best connection while the actual task of sending the network traffic is left to the user.


  1. Incoming network data
  2. Time going forward
  3. User operations such as pushing media data.

In response to this input, the API will react with various output.


  1. Outgoing network data
  2. Next required time to "wake up"
  3. Incoming events such as media data.

The importance of &mut self

Rust shines when we can eschew locks and heavily rely &mut for data write access. Since str0m has no internal threads, we never have to deal with shared data. Furthermore the the internals of the library is organized such that we don't need multiple references to the same entities.

This means all input to the lib can be modelled as handle_something(&mut self, something).

Not a standard WebRTC API

The library deliberately steps away from the "standard" WebRTC API as seen in JavaScript and/or webrtc-rs (or Pion in Go). There are few reasons for this.

First, in the standard API, events are callbacks, which are not a great fit for Rust, since callbacks require some kind of reference (ownership?) over the entity the callback is being dispatched upon. I.e. if in Rust we want to pc.addEventListener(x), x needs to be wholly owned by pc, or have some shared reference (like Arc). Shared references means shared data, and to get mutable shared data, we will need some kind of lock. i.e. Arc<Mutex<EventListener>> or similar.

As an alternative we could turn all events into mpsc channels, but listening to multiple channels is awkward without async.

Second, in the standard API, entities like RTCPeerConnection and RTCRtpTransceiver, are easily clonable and/or long lived references. I.e. pc.getTranscievers() returns objects that can be retained and owned by the caller. This pattern is fine for garbage collected or reference counted languages, but not great with Rust.

Running the example

For the browser to do WebRTC, all traffic must be under TLS. The project ships with a self-signed certificate that is used for the examples. The certificate is for hostname str0m.test since TLD .test should never resolve to a real DNS name.

  1. Edit /etc/hosts so str0m.test to loopback.	localhost str0m.test
  1. Start the example server cargo run --example http-post

  2. In a browser, visit https://str0m.test:3000/. This will complain about the TLS certificate, you need to accept the "risk". How to do this depends on browser. In Chrome you can expand "Advanced" and chose "Proceed to str0m.test (unsafe)". For Safari, you can similarly chose to "Visit website" despite the warning.

  3. Click "Cam" and/or "Mic" followed by "Rtc". And hopefully you will see something like this in the log:

Dec 18 11:33:06.850  INFO str0m: MediaData(MediaData { mid: Mid(0), pt: Pt(104), time: MediaTime(3099135646, 90000), len: 1464 })
Dec 18 11:33:06.867  INFO str0m: MediaData(MediaData { mid: Mid(0), pt: Pt(104), time: MediaTime(3099138706, 90000), len: 1093 })
Dec 18 11:33:06.907  INFO str0m: MediaData(MediaData { mid: Mid(0), pt: Pt(104), time: MediaTime(3099141676, 90000), len: 1202 })

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