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Releases: dandavison/delta


10 Oct 23:24
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This release mostly fixes bugs in git add -p behavior, adds test coverage, and clarifies the code involved. Thanks very much @Ryuta69 who did all this work.

In addition, a new environment variable is supported: DELTA_PAGER. If set, this takes precedence over BAT_PAGER. See --paging in delta --help.

  • [closed] 🐛 git add -p one-to-one correspondence errors #320
  • [closed] 🐛 Line numbers incorrect/relative - Windows/Delta 0.4.1 #293
  • [closed] 🐛 [Linux] git add -p not working with side-by-side #274
  • [closed] 🐛 Delta crash on Windows when using as stand-alone diff tool #339
  • [closed] Second document label is missing last character (truncated) #324


04 Sep 14:42
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A few bug fixes and a couple of minor features (mac-line-length (#154) and the ability to hide all line numbers (#292)).

  • [closed] 🚀 How to remove line number #292
  • [closed] 🚀 ignore big file diff #288
  • [closed] 🐛 Tabs displayed incorrectly under git diff color-moved #280
  • [closed] 🚀 Release aarch64 build #278
  • [closed] 🐛 Width calculations are incorrect with hyperlinks and side-by-side #262
  • [closed] 🐛 High memory usage when fed diff of minimized files #154


08 Aug 16:35
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This release fixes a few bugs. In particular, it makes it possible to use git add -p with line numbers activated. If you also have side-by-side activated then that will not be used in git add -p (it's impossible) but it will now not cause an error either. Thanks very much to @yoichi for analyzing and fixing the problems with git add -p.

  • [closed] 🐛 Dockerfile isn't colored #275
  • [closed] 🐛 [Linux] git add -p not working with side-by-side #274
  • [closed] 🐛 Mismatch in line numbers between git diff and git add -p #258


04 Aug 01:16
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The main new feature in this release is support for git diff --color-moved: see #72. This makes Git's native moved-line detection algorithms and styling options available when using Delta. Delta supports this automatically, without any configuration change, but see the new option inspect-raw-lines in case you need to turn it off.

The other new feature is that Delta can now cause files and commit hashes to be rendered as hyperlinks in your terminal emulator: However, this will not be available to you without, at the minimum, installing a patched version of less, because support for the hyperlink spec has only partially spread through the terminal application ecosystem. See #257 and the delta --help text for details.

Finally, thanks to @Ryuta69 for the fix for #264.

  • [closed] 🚀 Support --color-moved #72
  • [closed] 🚀Support --color-moved-ws #144
  • [closed] 🚀 Support displaying files and commits as OSC 8 hyperlinks #257
  • [closed] 🐛 width option is not honored in git config sections #264
  • [closed] 🐛 diff -U0 rendered with lines out of order #263
  • [closed] 🐛 paging should be supported in gitconfig #253
  • [closed] 🐛 syntax-theme should be honored in a custom feature in gitconfig #252
  • [closed] 🐛 Line numbers style not taking effect with --side-by-side #251
  • [closed] 🐛 Duplicate "renamed" header when file is renamed with changes #245


11 Jul 16:34
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This release adds a side-by-side diff view: delta -s or delta --side-by-side. By default, side-by-side view has line-numbers activated, and has syntax highlighting in both the left and right panels.


The release also fixes bug #238 in which the line number display alignment was broken for line numbers greater than 9999.

  • [closed] 🚀 directory diff #232
  • [closed] 🚀 Side by side viewer #86
  • [closed] 🐛 line-number breaks with 5 digits #238


01 Jul 18:01
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This is a large release, introducing major changes to delta configuration as well as new features and bug fixes. It involved a major overhaul of the code base. Many thanks to everyone who submitted issues, PRs, and helped with testing and feedback, in particular @0xC0FFEE, @boris-petrov, @clnoll, @da-x, @gibfahn, @mk12, @phillipwood, @waldyrious.

The highlights are:

 60 files changed, 9247 insertions(+), 2360 deletions(-)
  • [closed] 🚀 improve diff -u comparison #229
  • [closed] 🚀 Provide a compact --list-themes output #207
  • [closed] 🚀 Moving around in the diff #199
  • [closed] 🚀 Minimal color mode reusing the default colors #193
  • [closed] 🚀 Include comparison with git/contrib/diff-highlight #192
  • [closed] 🚀 Add your own custom themes #180
  • [closed] 🚀 empty line handling and getting rid of the space leftover from -/+ #179
  • [closed] 🚀 Add foreground-color options #177
  • [closed] 🚀 Tweak --list-themes output #170
  • [closed] 🚀 Add option to adjust/remove background color of lines with emphasized sections #169
  • [closed] 🚀Allow configuration of underline width #155
  • [closed] 🚀 Add option to override terminal's background color #153
  • [closed] 🚀 Add file modify state to output for less pre-seeding #135
  • [closed] 🚀 Add a line number sidebar? #130
  • [closed] 🚀 Hunk style line number references #97
  • [closed] 🚀 Background color issues #87
  • [closed] 🚀 Update binary assets from bat #85
  • [closed] 🚀 Setting line numbers in less messes up ruler #61
  • [closed] 🚀 Moving around diffs #50
  • [closed] 🐛 error: "stream did not contain valid UTF-8" #218
  • [closed] 🐛 Handle diff.mnemonicPrefix #215
  • [closed] 🐛 Trailing whitespace in otherwise empty line is not highlighted #212
  • [closed] 🐛 Crash searching a long diff #210
  • [closed] 🐛 Thread 'main' panicked at 'regex string should be pre-tested: Error(-208, invalid backref number/name)' #202
  • [closed] 🐛 Missing word highlighting #198
  • [closed] 🐛 Panic handing invalid UTF-8 #187
  • [closed] 🐛 Graphical paging issues unless piped to less #186
  • [closed] 🐛 less with --clear-screen doesn't work #185
  • [closed] 🐛 Within-line insertion/deletion detection is not working in all cases that work with diff-highlight #184
  • [closed] 🐛 Incorrectly highlighting removed characters #175
  • [closed] 🐛 .gitconfig entry breaks with space in theme name #166
  • [closed] 🐛 Custom git log coloring is overwritten #163
  • [closed] 🐛 Problem with base16 theme from bat v0.15 #161
  • [closed] 🐛 Failed to compile on arch caused by onig_sys error #157
  • [closed] 🐛 Crash on some PDFs #150
  • [closed] 🐛 Diff for filenames with space enclosed dashes panic #139
  • [closed] 🐛 When --color-only is used, colors don't extend to the whole line #136
  • [closed] 🐛 Diff highlighting overflows onto the next line (2 chars too long) #115
  • [closed] 🐛 Don't pass --no-init to less when BAT_PAGER is explicitly set #88


26 Apr 23:16
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26 Apr 22:49
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  • Windows builds are fixed!
  • [closed] File paths with spaces in them truncated #127
  • [closed] There is no output when there is a merge conflict #125


18 Apr 17:32
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  • New options --keep-plus-minus-markers and --color-only #122
  • [closed] Properly calculate string widths for CJK characters #121 Thanks @xen0n!
  • [closed] Delta should be aware of diff.noprefix option (truncated filenames) #120
  • [closed] Include new bat themes introduced in v0.13.0 #118
  • [closed] Support git stash show --stat --patch #100


04 Mar 01:52
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This release brings new command line options for controlling the colors used for structural element decorations (commits, files, hunk markers), and a consistent pattern for specifying colors for all options that accept a color as a value.

New options are

--commit-style <commit_style>
    Formatting style for the commit section of git output. Options are: plain, box. [default: plain]

--file-style <file_style>              
    Formatting style for the file section of git output. Options are: plain, box, underline. [default:  
--hunk-style <hunk_style>
    Formatting style for the hunk-marker section of git output. Options are: plain, box. [default: box]

The --help output now features the following.


All delta color options work the same way. There are three ways to specify a color:

1. RGB hex code

   An example of using an RGB hex code is:

2. ANSI color name

   There are 8 ANSI color names:
   black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white.

   In addition, all of them have a bright form:
   bright-black, bright-red, bright-green, bright-yellow, bright-blue, bright-magenta, bright-cyan, bright-white

   An example of using an ANSI color name is:

   Unlike RGB hex codes, ANSI color names are just names: you can choose the exact color that each
   name corresponds to in the settings of your terminal application (the application you use to
   enter commands at a shell prompt). This means that if you use ANSI color names, and you change
   the color theme used by your terminal, then delta's colors will respond automatically, without
   needing to change the delta command line.

   "purple" is accepted as a synonym for "magenta". Color names and codes are case-insensitive.

3. ANSI color number

   An example of using an ANSI color number is:

   There are 256 ANSI color numbers: 0-255. The first 16 are the same as the colors described in
   the "ANSI color name" section above. See
   Specifying colors like this is useful if your terminal only supports 256 colors (i.e. doesn't
   support 24-bit color).
  • [closed] Support mapping 24 bit colors to 8 bit approximation #110
  • [closed] Add --paging option to control whether a pager is used #108
  • [closed] Add option to change colors of box/underline/file text #99 #103
  • [closed] Show binary files changes in delta output #93