using System.Collections.Generic; using System.CommandLine; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using DafnyCore; using DafnyCore.Options; using Serilog.Events; namespace Microsoft.Dafny; public class CommonOptionBag { public static void EnsureStaticConstructorHasRun() { } public static readonly Option ProgressOption = new("--progress", "While verifying, output information that helps track progress") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option LogLocation = new("--log-location", "Sets the directory where to store log files") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option LogLevelOption = new("--log-level", () => LogEventLevel.Error, "Sets the level at which events are logged") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option ManualTriggerOption = new("--manual-triggers", "Do not generate {:trigger} annotations for user-level quantifiers") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option ShowHints = new("--show-hints", () => false, "Show hints that might help you better understand your code, such as what triggers Dafny generators for quantifiers") { IsHidden = true }; public enum AssertionShowMode { None, Implicit, All } public static readonly Option ShowAssertions = new("--show-assertions", () => AssertionShowMode.None, "Show hints on locations where implicit assertions occur"); public static readonly Option AddCompileSuffix = new("--compile-suffix", "Add the suffix _Compile to module names without :extern") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option ManualLemmaInduction = new("--manual-lemma-induction", "Turn off automatic induction for lemmas."); public static readonly Option StdIn = new("--stdin", () => false, @"Read standard input and treat it as an input .dfy file."); public static readonly Option Check = new("--check", () => false, @" Instead of formatting files, verify that all files are already formatted through and return a non-zero exit code if it is not the case".TrimStart()); public static readonly Option OptimizeErasableDatatypeWrapper = new("--optimize-erasable-datatype-wrapper", () => true, @" false - Include all non-ghost datatype constructors in the compiled code true - In the compiled target code, transform any non-extern datatype with a single non-ghost constructor that has a single non-ghost parameter into just that parameter. For example, the type datatype Record = Record(x: int) is transformed into just 'int' in the target code.".TrimStart()); public static readonly Option Verbose = new("--verbose", "Print additional information such as which files are emitted where."); public static readonly Option AllowDeprecation = new("--allow-deprecation", "Do not warn about the use of deprecated features.") { }; public static readonly Option DisableNonLinearArithmetic = new("--disable-nonlinear-arithmetic", @" (experimental, will be replaced in the future) Reduce Dafny's knowledge of non-linear arithmetic (*,/,%). Results in more manual work, but also produces more predictable behavior.".TrimStart()); public static readonly Option EnforceDeterminism = new("--enforce-determinism", "Check that only deterministic statements are used, so that values seen during execution will be the same in every run of the program.") { }; public static readonly Option RelaxDefiniteAssignment = new("--relax-definite-assignment", "Allow variables to be read before they are assigned, but only if they have an auto-initializable type or if they are ghost and have a nonempty type.") { }; public static readonly Option> VerificationLogFormat = new("--log-format", $@" Logs verification results using the given test result format. The currently supported formats are `trx`, `csv`, and `text`. These are: the XML-based format commonly used for test results for .NET languages, a custom CSV schema, and a textual format meant for human consumption. You can provide configuration using the same string format as when using the --logger option for dotnet test, such as: --format ""trx;LogFileName=<...>""); The `trx` and `csv` formats automatically choose an output file name by default, and print the name of this file to the console. The `text` format prints its output to the console by default, but can send output to a file given the `LogFileName` option. The `text` format also includes a more detailed breakdown of what assertions appear in each assertion batch. When combined with the {BoogieOptionBag.IsolateAssertions.Name} option, it will provide approximate time and resource use costs for each assertion, allowing identification of especially expensive assertions.".TrimStart()) { ArgumentHelpName = "configuration" }; public static readonly Option JsonDiagnostics = new("--json-diagnostics", @"Deprecated. Return diagnostics in a JSON format.") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option> Libraries = new("--library", @" The contents of this file and any files it includes can be referenced from other files as if they were included. However, these contents are skipped during code generation and verification. This option is useful in a diamond dependency situation, to prevent code from the bottom dependency from being generated more than once. The value may be a comma-separated list of files and folders.".TrimStart()); public static IEnumerable SplitOptionValueIntoFiles(IEnumerable inputs) { var result = new HashSet(); foreach (var input in inputs) { var values = input.Split(','); foreach (var slice in values) { var name = slice.Trim(); if (Directory.Exists(name)) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(name, "*.dfy", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (var file in files) { result.Add(file); } } else { result.Add(name); } } } return result; } public static readonly Option BuildFile = new(new[] { "--build", "-b" }, "Specify the filepath that determines where to place and how to name build files.") { ArgumentHelpName = "file", IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option Output = new(new[] { "--output", "-o" }, "Specify the filename and location for the generated target language files.") { ArgumentHelpName = "file", }; public static readonly Option> PluginOption = new(new[] { "--plugin" }, @" (experimental) One path to an assembly that contains at least one instantiatable class extending Microsoft.Dafny.Plugin.Rewriter. It can also extend Microsoft.Dafny.Plugins.PluginConfiguration to receive arguments. More information about what plugins do and how to define them:") { ArgumentHelpName = "path-to-one-assembly[,argument]*", IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option Prelude = new("--prelude", "Choose the Dafny prelude file.") { ArgumentHelpName = "file", }; public static readonly Option QuantifierSyntax = new("--quantifier-syntax", result => { if (result.Tokens.Any()) { var value = result.Tokens[0].Value; switch (value) { case "3": return QuantifierSyntaxOptions.Version3; case "4": return QuantifierSyntaxOptions.Version4; default: result.ErrorMessage = $"{value} is not a valid argument to {QuantifierSyntax.Name}"; return default; } } return QuantifierSyntaxOptions.Version4; }, true, @" The syntax for quantification domains is changing from Dafny version 3 to version 4, more specifically where quantifier ranges (| ) are allowed. This switch gives early access to the new syntax. 3 - Ranges are only allowed after all quantified variables are declared. (e.g. set x, y | 0 <= x < |s| && y in s[x] && 0 <= y :: y) 4 - Ranges are allowed after each quantified variable declaration. (e.g. set x | 0 <= x < |s|, y <- s[x] | 0 <= y :: y) Note that quantifier variable domains (<- ) are available in both syntax versions.".TrimStart()) { ArgumentHelpName = "version", }; public static readonly Option Target = new(new[] { "--target", "-t" }, () => "cs", @" cs - Compile to .NET via C#. go - Compile to Go. js - Compile to JavaScript. java - Compile to Java. py - Compile to Python. cpp - (experimental) Compile to C++. Note that the C++ backend has various limitations (see Docs/Compilation/ This includes lack of support for BigIntegers (aka int), most higher order functions, and advanced features like traits or co-inductive types.".TrimStart() ) { ArgumentHelpName = "language", }; public static readonly Option UnicodeCharacters = new("--unicode-char", () => true, @" false - The char type represents any UTF-16 code unit. true - The char type represents any Unicode scalar value.".TrimStart()) { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option AllowAxioms = new("--allow-axioms", () => false, "Prevents a warning from being generated for axioms, such as assume statements and functions or methods without a body, that don't have an {:axiom} attribute.") { }; public static readonly Option TypeSystemRefresh = new("--type-system-refresh", () => false, @" false - The type-inference engine and supported types are those of Dafny 4.0. true - Use an updated type-inference engine.".TrimStart()) { IsHidden = true }; public enum GeneralTraitsOptions { Legacy, Datatype, Full } public static readonly Option GeneralTraits = new("--general-traits", () => GeneralTraitsOptions.Legacy, @" legacy - Every trait implicitly extends 'object', and thus is a reference type. Only traits and reference types can extend traits. datatype - A trait is a reference type only if it or one of its ancestor traits is 'object'. Any non-'newtype' type with members can extend traits. full - (don't use; not yet completely supported) A trait is a reference type only if it or one of its ancestor traits is 'object'. Any type with members can extend traits.".TrimStart()) { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option GeneralNewtypes = new("--general-newtypes", () => false, @" false - A newtype can only be based on numeric types or another newtype. true - (requires --type-system-refresh) A newtype case be based on any non-reference, non-trait, non-arrow, non-ORDINAL type.".TrimStart()) { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option TypeInferenceDebug = new("--type-inference-trace", () => false, @" false - Don't print type-inference debug information. true - Print type-inference debug information.".TrimStart()) { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option NewTypeInferenceDebug = new("--type-system-debug", () => false, @" false - Don't print debug information for the new type system. true - Print debug information for the new type system.".TrimStart()) { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option VerifyIncludedFiles = new("--verify-included-files", "Verify code in included files."); public static readonly Option UseBaseFileName = new("--use-basename-for-filename", "When parsing use basename of file for tokens instead of the path supplied on the command line") { }; public static readonly Option EmitUncompilableCode = new("--emit-uncompilable-code", "Rather than throwing an exception, allow compilers to emit uncompilable information including what is " + "not compilable instead of regular code. Useful when developing compilers or to document for each test what " + "compiler feature is missing") { }; public static readonly Option SpillTranslation = new("--spill-translation", @"In case the Dafny source code is translated to another language, emit that translation.") { }; public static readonly Option WarnAsErrors = new("--warn-as-errors", () => true, "(Deprecated). Please use --allow-warnings instead") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option AllowWarnings = new("--allow-warnings", "Allow compilation to continue and succeed when warnings occur. Errors will still halt and fail compilation."); public static readonly Option WarnMissingConstructorParenthesis = new("--warn-missing-constructor-parentheses", "Emits a warning when a constructor name in a case pattern is not followed by parentheses."); public static readonly Option WarnShadowing = new("--warn-shadowing", "Emits a warning if the name of a declared variable caused another variable to be shadowed."); public static readonly Option WarnContradictoryAssumptions = new("--warn-contradictory-assumptions", @" (experimental) Emits a warning if any assertions are proved based on contradictory assumptions (vacuously). May slow down verification slightly, or make it more brittle. May produce spurious warnings. Use the `{:contradiction}` attribute to mark any `assert` statement intended to be part of a proof by contradiction.") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option WarnRedundantAssumptions = new("--warn-redundant-assumptions", @" (experimental) Emits a warning if any `requires` clause or `assume` statement was not needed to complete verification. May slow down verification slightly, or make it more brittle. May produce spurious warnings.") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option VerificationCoverageReport = new("--verification-coverage-report", "Emit verification coverage report to a given directory, in the same format as a test coverage report.") { ArgumentHelpName = "directory" }; public static readonly Option NoTimeStampForCoverageReport = new("--no-timestamp-for-coverage-report", "Write coverage report directly to the specified folder instead of creating a timestamped subdirectory.") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option ExecutionCoverageReport = new("--coverage-report", "Emit execution coverage report to a given directory.") { ArgumentHelpName = "directory" }; public static readonly Option IncludeRuntimeOption = new("--include-runtime", "Include the Dafny runtime as source in the target language."); /// /// Copy of --include-runtime for execution commands like `dafny run`, /// just so it can be internal only in that context: /// it shouldn't matter to end users but is useful for testing. /// public static readonly Option InternalIncludeRuntimeOptionForExecution = new("--include-runtime", () => true, "Include the Dafny runtime as source in the target language.") { IsHidden = true }; public enum SystemModuleMode { Include, Omit, // Used to pre-compile the System module into the runtimes OmitAllOtherModules } public static readonly Option SystemModule = new("--system-module", () => SystemModuleMode.Omit, "How to handle the built-in _System module.") { IsHidden = true }; public static readonly Option UseJavadocLikeDocstringRewriterOption = new("--javadoclike-docstring-plugin", "Rewrite docstrings using a simple Javadoc-to-markdown converter" ); public enum TestAssumptionsMode { None, Externs } public static readonly Option TestAssumptions = new("--test-assumptions", () => TestAssumptionsMode.None, @" (experimental) When turned on, inserts runtime tests at locations where (implicit) assumptions occur, such as when calling or being called by external code and when using assume statements. Functionality is still being expanded. Currently only checks contracts on every call to a function or method marked with the {:extern} attribute.".TrimStart()); public enum DefaultFunctionOpacityOptions { Transparent, AutoRevealDependencies, Opaque } public static readonly Option DefaultFunctionOpacity = new("--default-function-opacity", () => DefaultFunctionOpacityOptions.Transparent, @" Change the default opacity of functions. `transparent` (default) means functions are transparent, can be manually made opaque and then revealed. `autoRevealDependencies` makes all functions not explicitly labelled as opaque to be opaque but reveals them automatically in scopes which do not have `{:autoRevealDependencies false}`. `opaque` means functions are always opaque so the opaque keyword is not needed, and functions must be revealed everywhere needed for a proof.".TrimStart()) { }; public static readonly Option UseStandardLibraries = new("--standard-libraries", () => false, @" Allow Dafny code to depend on the standard libraries included with the Dafny distribution. See for more information. Not compatible with the --unicode-char:false option. "); public static readonly Option ExtractCounterexample = new("--extract-counterexample", () => false, @" If verification fails, report a detailed counterexample for the first failing assertion (experimental).".TrimStart()) { }; public static readonly Option ShowProofObligationExpressions = new("--show-proof-obligation-expressions", () => false, @" (Experimental) Show Dafny expressions corresponding to unverified proof obligations.".TrimStart()) { IsHidden = true }; static CommonOptionBag() { DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(WarnAsErrors, (options, value) => { if (!options.Get(AllowWarnings) && !options.Get(WarnAsErrors)) { // If allow warnings is at the default value, and warn-as-errors is not, use the warn-as-errors value options.Set(AllowWarnings, true); options.FailOnWarnings = false; } }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(AllowAxioms, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Verification options", legacyName: "allowAxioms", defaultValue: true); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(ShowHints, (options, value) => { options.PrintTooltips = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(ManualTriggerOption, (options, value) => { options.AutoTriggers = !value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(Target, DafnyOptions.ParseString, "Compilation options", "compileTarget", @" cs (default) - Compile to .NET via C#. go - Compile to Go. js - Compile to JavaScript. java - Compile to Java. py - Compile to Python. cpp - Compile to C++. dfy - Compile to Dafny. Note that the C++ backend has various limitations (see Docs/Compilation/ This includes lack of support for BigIntegers (aka int), most higher order functions, and advanced features like traits or co-inductive types.".TrimStart(), "cs"); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(OptimizeErasableDatatypeWrapper, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Compilation options", "optimizeErasableDatatypeWrapper", @" 0 - Include all non-ghost datatype constructors in the compiled code 1 (default) - In the compiled target code, transform any non-extern datatype with a single non-ghost constructor that has a single non-ghost parameter into just that parameter. For example, the type datatype Record = Record(x: int) is transformed into just 'int' in the target code.".TrimStart(), defaultValue: true); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(VerificationLogFormat, DafnyOptions.ParseStringElement, "Verification options", "verificationLogger"); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(Output, DafnyOptions.ParseFileInfo, "Compilation options", "out"); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(UnicodeCharacters, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Language feature selection", "unicodeChar", @" 0 - The char type represents any UTF-16 code unit. 1 (default) - The char type represents any Unicode scalar value.".TrimStart(), defaultValue: true); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(TypeSystemRefresh, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Language feature selection", "typeSystemRefresh", @" 0 (default) - The type-inference engine and supported types are those of Dafny 4.0. 1 - Use an updated type-inference engine. Warning: This mode is under construction and probably won't work at this time.".TrimStart(), defaultValue: false); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(GeneralTraits, DafnyOptions.ParseGeneralTraitsOption, "Language feature selection", "generalTraits", @" legacy (default) - Every trait implicitly extends 'object', and thus is a reference type. Only traits and reference types can extend traits. datatype - A trait is a reference type only if it or one of its ancestor traits is 'object'. Any non-'newtype' type with members can extend traits. full - (don't use; not yet completely supported) A trait is a reference type only if it or one of its ancestor traits is 'object'. Any type with members can extend traits.".TrimStart()); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(GeneralNewtypes, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Language feature selection", "generalNewtypes", @" 0 (default) - A newtype can only be based on numeric types or another newtype. 1 - (requires /typeSystemRefresh:1) A newtype case be based on any non-reference, non-trait, non-arrow, non-ORDINAL type.".TrimStart(), false); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(TypeInferenceDebug, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Language feature selection", "titrace", @" 0 (default) - Don't print type-inference debug information. 1 - Print type-inference debug information.".TrimStart(), defaultValue: false); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(NewTypeInferenceDebug, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Language feature selection", "ntitrace", @" 0 (default) - Don't print debug information for the new type system. 1 - Print debug information for the new type system.".TrimStart(), defaultValue: false); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(UseStandardLibraries, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Language feature selection", "standardLibraries", @" 0 (default) - Do not allow Dafny code to depend on the standard libraries included with the Dafny distribution. 1 - Allow Dafny code to depend on the standard libraries included with the Dafny distribution. See for more information. Not compatible with the /unicodeChar:0 option.".TrimStart(), defaultValue: false); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(PluginOption, DafnyOptions.ParseStringElement, "Plugins", defaultValue: new List()); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(Prelude, DafnyOptions.ParseFileInfo, "Input configuration", "dprelude"); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(Libraries, DafnyOptions.ParseFileInfoElement, "Compilation options", defaultValue: new List()); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(DeveloperOptionBag.ResolvedPrint, DafnyOptions.ParseString, "Overall reporting and printing", "rprint"); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(DeveloperOptionBag.PrintOption, DafnyOptions.ParseString, "Overall reporting and printing", "dprint"); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(Snippets.ShowSnippets, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Overall reporting and printing", "showSnippets", @" 0 (default) - Don't show source code snippets for Dafny messages. 1 - Show a source code snippet for each Dafny message.".TrimStart()); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(Printer.PrintMode, ParsePrintMode, "Overall reporting and printing", "printMode", legacyDescription: @" Everything (default) - Print everything listed below. DllEmbed - print the source that will be included in a compiled dll. NoIncludes - disable printing of {:verify false} methods incorporated via the include mechanism, as well as datatypes and fields included from other files. NoGhost - disable printing of functions, ghost methods, and proof statements in implementation methods. It also disables anything NoIncludes disables.".TrimStart(), argumentName: "Everything|DllEmbed|NoIncludes|NoGhost", defaultValue: PrintModes.Everything); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(DefaultFunctionOpacity, DafnyOptions.ParseDefaultFunctionOpacity, "Language feature selection", "defaultFunctionOpacity", null); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(WarnContradictoryAssumptions, DafnyOptions.ParseImplicitEnable, "Verification options", "warnContradictoryAssumptions"); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(WarnRedundantAssumptions, DafnyOptions.ParseImplicitEnable, "Verification options", "warnRedundantAssumptions"); void ParsePrintMode(Option option, Boogie.CommandLineParseState ps, DafnyOptions options) { if (ps.ConfirmArgumentCount(1)) { if (ps.args[ps.i].Equals("Everything")) { options.Set(option, PrintModes.Everything); } else if (ps.args[ps.i].Equals("NoIncludes")) { options.Set(option, PrintModes.NoIncludes); } else if (ps.args[ps.i].Equals("NoGhost")) { options.Set(option, PrintModes.NoGhost); } else if (ps.args[ps.i].Equals("DllEmbed")) { // This is called DllEmbed because it was previously only used inside Dafny-compiled .dll files for C#, // but it is now used by the LibraryBackend when building .doo files as well. options.Set(option, PrintModes.Serialization); } else { DafnyOptions.InvalidArgumentError(option.Name, ps); } } } DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyUi(AddCompileSuffix, DafnyOptions.ParseBoolean, "Compilation options", "compileSuffix"); QuantifierSyntax = QuantifierSyntax.FromAmong("3", "4"); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(JsonDiagnostics, (options, value) => { if (value) { options.Printer = new DafnyJsonConsolePrinter(options); options.DiagnosticsFormat = DafnyOptions.DiagnosticsFormats.JSON; } }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(TestAssumptions, (options, value) => { options.TestContracts = value == TestAssumptionsMode.Externs ? DafnyOptions.ContractTestingMode.Externs : DafnyOptions.ContractTestingMode.None; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(ManualLemmaInduction, (options, value) => { if (value) { options.Induction = 1; } }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(IncludeRuntimeOption, (options, value) => { options.IncludeRuntime = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(InternalIncludeRuntimeOptionForExecution, (options, value) => { options.IncludeRuntime = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(SystemModule, (options, value) => { options.SystemModuleTranslationMode = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(UseBaseFileName, (o, f) => o.UseBaseNameForFileName = f); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(UseJavadocLikeDocstringRewriterOption, (options, value) => { options.UseJavadocLikeDocstringRewriter = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(WarnShadowing, (options, value) => { options.WarnShadowing = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(WarnMissingConstructorParenthesis, (options, value) => { options.DisallowConstructorCaseWithoutParentheses = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(AllowWarnings, (options, value) => { options.FailOnWarnings = !value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(VerifyIncludedFiles, (options, value) => { options.VerifyAllModules = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(WarnContradictoryAssumptions, (options, value) => { if (value) { options.TrackVerificationCoverage = true; } }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(WarnRedundantAssumptions, (options, value) => { if (value) { options.TrackVerificationCoverage = true; } }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(Target, (options, value) => { options.CompilerName = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(QuantifierSyntax, (options, value) => { options.QuantifierSyntax = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(PluginOption, (options, value) => { options.AdditionalPluginArguments = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(Check, (options, value) => { options.FormatCheck = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(StdIn, (options, value) => { options.UseStdin = value; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(FormatPrint, (options, value) => { options.DafnyPrintFile = value ? "-" : null; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(Prelude, (options, value) => { options.DafnyPrelude = value?.FullName; options.ExpandFilename(options.DafnyPrelude, x => options.DafnyPrelude = x, options.LogPrefix, options.FileTimestamp); }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(BuildFile, (options, value) => { options.DafnyPrintCompiledFile = value?.FullName; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(Libraries, (options, value) => { options.LibraryFiles = SplitOptionValueIntoFiles(value.Select(fi => fi.FullName)).ToHashSet(); }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(Output, (options, value) => { options.DafnyPrintCompiledFile = value?.FullName; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(Verbose, (o, v) => o.Verbose = v); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(DisableNonLinearArithmetic, (o, v) => o.DisableNLarith = v); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(AllowDeprecation, (o, v) => o.DeprecationNoise = v ? 0 : 1); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(SpillTranslation, (o, f) => o.SpillTargetCode = f ? 1U : 0U); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(EnforceDeterminism, (options, value) => { options.ForbidNondeterminism = value; options.DefiniteAssignmentLevel = 4; }); RelaxDefiniteAssignment.AddValidator(optionResult => { var enforceDeterminismResult = optionResult.FindResultFor(EnforceDeterminism); if (enforceDeterminismResult is not null && enforceDeterminismResult.GetValueOrDefault()) { optionResult.ErrorMessage = $"The option {RelaxDefiniteAssignment.Name} can not be used in conjunction with {EnforceDeterminism.Name}."; } }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(RelaxDefiniteAssignment, (options, value) => { if (!options.Get(EnforceDeterminism)) { options.DefiniteAssignmentLevel = value ? 1 : 4; } }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(ExtractCounterexample, (options, value) => { options.ExtractCounterexample = value; options.EnhancedErrorMessages = 1; }); DafnyOptions.RegisterLegacyBinding(ShowProofObligationExpressions, (options, value) => { options.ShowProofObligationExpressions = value; }); DooFile.RegisterLibraryChecks( new Dictionary() { { UnicodeCharacters, OptionCompatibility.CheckOptionMatches }, { EnforceDeterminism, OptionCompatibility.CheckOptionLocalImpliesLibrary }, { RelaxDefiniteAssignment, OptionCompatibility.CheckOptionLibraryImpliesLocal }, { AllowAxioms, OptionCompatibility.CheckOptionLibraryImpliesLocal }, { AllowWarnings, (reporter, origin, prefix, option, localValue, libraryValue) => { if (OptionCompatibility.OptionValuesImplied(libraryValue, localValue)) { return true; } string message = OptionCompatibility.LocalImpliesLibraryMessage(prefix, option, localValue, libraryValue); reporter.Warning(MessageSource.Project, ResolutionErrors.ErrorId.none, origin, message); return false; } } } ); DooFile.RegisterNoChecksNeeded( WarnAsErrors, ProgressOption, LogLocation, LogLevelOption, ManualTriggerOption, ShowHints, Check, Libraries, Output, PluginOption, Prelude, Target, Verbose, AllowDeprecation, FormatPrint, JsonDiagnostics, QuantifierSyntax, SpillTranslation, StdIn, TestAssumptions, WarnShadowing, ManualLemmaInduction, TypeInferenceDebug, GeneralTraits, GeneralNewtypes, TypeSystemRefresh, VerificationLogFormat, VerifyIncludedFiles, DisableNonLinearArithmetic, NewTypeInferenceDebug, UseBaseFileName, EmitUncompilableCode, WarnMissingConstructorParenthesis, UseJavadocLikeDocstringRewriterOption, IncludeRuntimeOption, InternalIncludeRuntimeOptionForExecution, WarnContradictoryAssumptions, WarnRedundantAssumptions, VerificationCoverageReport, NoTimeStampForCoverageReport, DefaultFunctionOpacity, UseStandardLibraries, OptimizeErasableDatatypeWrapper, AddCompileSuffix, SystemModule, ExecutionCoverageReport, ExtractCounterexample, ShowProofObligationExpressions ); } public static readonly Option FormatPrint = new("--print", @"Print Dafny program to stdout after formatting it instead of altering the files.") { }; }