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A libnitrokey wrapper for Rust providing access to Nitrokey devices.



The required libnitrokey version is built from source. The host system must provide libhidapi-libusb0 (Linux) or libhidapi (non-Linux) in the default library search path. Depending on your system, you might also have to install the Nitrokey udev rules.

Currently, this crate provides access to the common features of the Nitrokey Pro and the Nitrokey Storage: general configuration, OTP generation and the password safe. Basic support for the secure storage on the Nitrokey Storage is available but still under development.

Unsupported Functions

The following functions provided by libnitrokey are deliberately not supported by nitrokey-rs:

  • NK_get_device_model. We know which model we connected to, so we can provide this information without calling libnitrokey.
  • NK_get_time. This method is useless as it will always cause a timestamp error on the device (see pull request #114 for libnitrokey for details).
  • NK_get_status. This method only provides a string representation of data that can be accessed by other methods (firmware version, serial number, configuration).
  • NK_get_status_storage_as_string. This method only provides an incomplete string representation of the data returned by NK_get_status_storage.
  • NK_set_unencrypted_volume_rorw_pin_type_user, NK_set_unencrypted_read_only, NK_set_unencrypted_read_write, NK_set_encrypted_read_only and NK_set_encrypted_read_write. These methods are only relevant for older firmware versions (pre-v0.51). As the Nitrokey Storage firmware can be updated easily, we do not support these outdated versions.


This crate has tests for different scenarios: Some tests require that no Nitrokey device is connected, others require a Nitrokey Storage or a Nitrokey Pro. We use the nitrokey-test crate to select the test cases. You can just run cargo test to auto-detect connected Nitrokey devices and to run the appropriate tests. If you want to manually select the tests, set the NITROKEY_TEST_GROUP environment variable to nodev (no device connected), pro (Nitrokey Pro connected) or storage (Nitrokey Storage connected).

Note that the tests assume that the device’s passwords are the factory defaults (admin PIN 12345678, user PIN 123456, update password 12345678) and that an AES key has been built. Some tests will overwrite the data stored on the Nitrokey device or perform a factory reset. Never execute the tests if you unless yout want to destroy all data on all connected Nitrokey devices!

The totp_no_pin and totp_pin tests can occasionally fail due to bad timing.


Thanks to Nitrokey UG for providing a Nitrokey Storage to support the development of this crate. Thanks to Daniel Mueller for contributions to nitrokey-rs and for the nitrokey-test crate.


For bug reports, patches, feature requests or other messages, please send a mail to [email protected].


This project is licensed under the MIT License. libnitrokey is licensed under the LGPL-3.0.