A keyboard input capturing utility in which any key can be a modifier key.
A jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elements
AngularJS directives for the Google Maps Javascript API
A dynamic grid system with drag and drop functionality.
A canvas in your browser. Literally.
SubtlePatterns Bookmarklet
Make your text sizing responsive!
cyrke / morris.js
Forked from morrisjs/morris.jsPretty time-series line graphs
cyrke / flexnav
Forked from mrjasonweaver/flexnavA Device Agnostic Approach to Complex Site Navigation
cyrke / noflo
Forked from noflo/nofloFlow-based programming for JavaScript
cyrke / sticky-kit
Forked from leafo/sticky-kitA jQuery plugin for creating smart sticky elements
cyrke / retinajs
Forked from strues/retinajsJavaScript and LESS helpers for rendering high-resolution image variants