Homebrew ======== Features, usage and installation instructions are [summarized on the homepage][home]. What Packages Are Available? ---------------------------- 1. You can [browse the Formula directory on GitHub][formula]. 2. Or type `brew search` for a list. 3. Or run `brew server` to browse packages off of a local web server. 4. Or visit [braumeister.org][braumeister] to browse packages online. More Documentation ------------------ `brew help` or `man brew` or check our [wiki][]. Who Are You? ------------ I'm [Max Howell][mxcl] and I'm a splendid chap. License ------- Code is under the [BSD 2 Clause (NetBSD) license][license]. [home]:http://brew.sh [wiki]:http://wiki.github.com/mxcl/homebrew [mxcl]:http://twitter.com/mxcl [formula]:http://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/tree/master/Library/Formula/ [braumeister]:http://braumeister.org [license]:https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/tree/master/Library/Homebrew/LICENSE