import re from collections import Counter import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from wordcloud import WordCloud # Stopwords to exclude common words from the word cloud stopwords = set([ "a", "about", "above", "after", "again", "against", "all", "am", "an", "and", "any", "are", "as", "at", "be", "because", "been", "before", "being", "below", "between", "both", "but", "by", "could", "did", "do", "does", "doing", "down", "during", "each", "few", "for", "from", "further", "had", "has", "have", "having", "he", "he'd", "he'll", "he's", "her", "here", "here's", "hers", "herself", "him", "himself", "his", "how", "how's", "i", "i'd", "i'll", "i'm", "i've", "if", "in", "into", "is", "it", "it's", "its", "itself", "let's", "me", "more", "most", "my", "myself", "nor", "of", "on", "once", "only", "or", "other", "ought", "our", "ours", "ourselves", "out", "over", "own", "same", "she", "she'd", "she'll", "she's", "should", "so", "some", "such", "than", "that", "that's", "the", "their", "theirs", "them", "themselves", "then", "there", "there's", "these", "they", "they'd", "they'll", "they're", "they've", "this", "those", "through", "to", "too", "under", "until", "up", "very", "via", "was", "we", "we'd", "we'll", "we're", "we've", "were", "what", "what's", "when", "when's", "where", "where's", "which", "while", "who", "who's", "whom", "why", "why's", "with", "would", "you", "you'd", "you'll", "you're", "you've", "your", "yours", "yourself", "yourselves", "using" ]) # 1. Get the paper list from the user # papers_input = input("Please provide the list of papers:\n") papers_input = """ - [ManyQuadrupeds: Learning a Single Locomotion Policy for Diverse Quadruped Robots]( - [Accessorizing Quadrupedal Robots with Wearable Electronics]( - [Agile But Safe: Learning Collision-Free High-Speed Legged Locomotion]( - [Deep Compliant Control for Legged Robots](TBD) - [DTC: Deep Tracking Control]( - [Learning Quadrupedal High-Speed Running on Uneven Terrain]( - [Learning Risk-Aware Quadrupedal Locomotion using Distributional Reinforcement Learning]( - [Learning to walk in confined spaces using 3D representation]( - [Legged Robot State Estimation With Invariant Extended Kalman Filter Using Neural Measurement Network]( - [OptiState: State Estimation of Legged Robots using Gated Networks with Transformer-based Vision and Kalman Filtering]( - [Pedipulate: Enabling Manipulation Skills using a Quadruped Robot's Leg]( - [ProNav: Proprioceptive Traversability Estimation for Legged Robot Navigation in Outdoor Environments]( - [Reduced Model Predictive Control Toward Highly Dynamic Quadruped Locomotion]( """ # 2. Ask the user for the title of the picture # picture_title = input("Please provide the title for the picture (without the .png extension): ") picture_title = "2024" # 3. Extract the words from the titles (excluding the links) titles = re.findall(r"\[(.*?)\]\(.*?\)", papers_input) keywords = [] for title in titles: for word in title.split(): cleaned_word = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z]', '', word).lower() # Removing non-alphabetic characters and converting to lowercase if cleaned_word not in stopwords: keywords.append(cleaned_word) # Counting keyword frequencies keyword_freq = Counter(keywords) # 4. Create the word cloud with landscape ratio and save it wordcloud = WordCloud(width=2000, height=500, colormap="Blues", background_color="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)", mode="RGBA").generate_from_frequencies(keyword_freq) plt.figure(figsize=(20,5)) plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation="bilinear") plt.axis("off") plt.tight_layout() # Save the image in the same location as the code file_name = f"{picture_title}.png" plt.savefig(file_name, bbox_inches="tight", pad_inches=0, transparent=True) print(f"Word cloud saved as {file_name}")