/* * Copyright (c) 2021, Nico Weber * Copyright (c) 2021, Marcin Undak * Copyright (c) 2021, Jesse Buhagiar * Copyright (c) 2022, the SerenityOS developers. * Copyright (c) 2022, Filiph Sandström * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef void (*ctor_func_t)(); extern ctor_func_t start_heap_ctors[]; extern ctor_func_t end_heap_ctors[]; extern ctor_func_t start_ctors[]; extern ctor_func_t end_ctors[]; // FIXME: Share this with the Intel Prekernel. extern uintptr_t __stack_chk_guard; uintptr_t __stack_chk_guard; READONLY_AFTER_INIT bool g_in_early_boot; namespace Kernel { static void draw_logo(u8* framebuffer_data); static u32 query_firmware_version(); extern "C" [[noreturn]] void halt(); extern "C" [[noreturn]] void init(); ALWAYS_INLINE static Processor& bootstrap_processor() { alignas(Processor) static u8 bootstrap_processor_storage[sizeof(Processor)]; return (Processor&)bootstrap_processor_storage; } Atomic g_boot_console; VirtualConsole* tty0; ProcessID g_init_pid { 0 }; static void init_stage2(void*); void init_stage2(void*) { Process::register_new(Process::current()); auto firmware_version = query_firmware_version(); dmesgln("Firmware version: {}", firmware_version); VirtualFileSystem::initialize(); StorageManagement::the().initialize(kernel_command_line().root_device(), kernel_command_line().is_force_pio(), kernel_command_line().is_nvme_polling_enabled()); if (VirtualFileSystem::the().mount_root(StorageManagement::the().root_filesystem()).is_error()) { PANIC("VirtualFileSystem::mount_root failed"); } // Switch out of early boot mode. g_in_early_boot = false; auto userspace_init = kernel_command_line().userspace_init(); auto init_args = kernel_command_line().userspace_init_args(); auto init_or_error = Process::create_user_process(userspace_init, UserID(0), GroupID(0), move(init_args), {}, tty0); if (init_or_error.is_error()) PANIC("init_stage2: Error spawning init process: {}", init_or_error.error()); auto [init_process, init_thread] = init_or_error.release_value(); g_init_pid = init_process->pid(); init_thread->set_priority(THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGH); Process::current().sys$exit(0); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } extern "C" [[noreturn]] void init() { g_in_early_boot = true; // FIXME: Don't hardcode this multiboot_memory_map_t mmap[] = { { sizeof(struct multiboot_mmap_entry) - sizeof(u32), (u64)0x0, (u64)0x3F000000, MULTIBOOT_MEMORY_AVAILABLE } }; multiboot_memory_map = mmap; multiboot_memory_map_count = 1; dbgln("Welcome to Serenity OS!"); dbgln("Imagine this being your ideal operating system."); dbgln("Observed deviations from that ideal are shortcomings of your imagination."); dbgln(); CommandLine::early_initialize(""); new (&bootstrap_processor()) Processor(); bootstrap_processor().install(0); // We call the constructors of kmalloc.cpp separately, because other constructors in the Kernel // might rely on being able to call new/kmalloc in the constructor. We do have to run the // kmalloc constructors, because kmalloc_init relies on that. for (ctor_func_t* ctor = start_heap_ctors; ctor < end_heap_ctors; ctor++) (*ctor)(); kmalloc_init(); bootstrap_processor().initialize(); load_kernel_symbol_table(); CommandLine::initialize(); dmesgln("Starting SerenityOS..."); Memory::MemoryManager::initialize(0); DeviceManagement::initialize(); SysFSComponentRegistry::initialize(); DeviceManagement::the().attach_null_device(*NullDevice::must_initialize()); // Invoke all static global constructors in the kernel. // Note that we want to do this as early as possible. for (ctor_func_t* ctor = start_ctors; ctor < end_ctors; ctor++) (*ctor)(); auto& framebuffer = RPi::Framebuffer::the(); if (framebuffer.initialized()) { g_boot_console = &try_make_lock_ref_counted(PhysicalAddress((PhysicalPtr)framebuffer.gpu_buffer()), framebuffer.width(), framebuffer.height(), framebuffer.pitch()).value().leak_ref(); draw_logo(static_cast(g_boot_console.load())->unsafe_framebuffer_data()); } initialize_interrupts(); InterruptManagement::initialize(); Processor::enable_interrupts(); // Note: We have to disable interrupts otherwise Scheduler::timer_tick might be called before the scheduler is started. Processor::disable_interrupts(); TimeManagement::initialize(0); Process::initialize(); Scheduler::initialize(); MUST(Process::create_kernel_process(KString::must_create("init_stage2"sv), init_stage2, nullptr, THREAD_AFFINITY_DEFAULT, Process::RegisterProcess::No)); Scheduler::start(); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } class QueryFirmwareVersionMboxMessage : RPi::Mailbox::Message { public: u32 version; QueryFirmwareVersionMboxMessage() : RPi::Mailbox::Message(0x0000'0001, 4) { version = 0; } }; static u32 query_firmware_version() { struct __attribute__((aligned(16))) { RPi::Mailbox::MessageHeader header; QueryFirmwareVersionMboxMessage query_firmware_version; RPi::Mailbox::MessageTail tail; } message_queue; if (!RPi::Mailbox::the().send_queue(&message_queue, sizeof(message_queue))) { return 0xffff'ffff; } return message_queue.query_firmware_version.version; } extern "C" const u32 serenity_boot_logo_start; extern "C" const u32 serenity_boot_logo_size; static void draw_logo(u8* framebuffer_data) { BootPPMParser logo_parser(reinterpret_cast(&serenity_boot_logo_start), serenity_boot_logo_size); if (!logo_parser.parse()) { dbgln("Failed to parse boot logo."); return; } dbgln("Boot logo size: {} ({} x {})", serenity_boot_logo_size, logo_parser.image.width, logo_parser.image.height); auto& framebuffer = RPi::Framebuffer::the(); auto fb_ptr = framebuffer_data; auto image_left = (framebuffer.width() - logo_parser.image.width) / 2; auto image_right = image_left + logo_parser.image.width; auto image_top = (framebuffer.height() - logo_parser.image.height) / 2; auto image_bottom = image_top + logo_parser.image.height; auto logo_pixels = logo_parser.image.pixel_data; for (u32 y = 0; y < framebuffer.height(); y++) { for (u32 x = 0; x < framebuffer.width(); x++) { if (x >= image_left && x < image_right && y >= image_top && y < image_bottom) { switch (framebuffer.pixel_order()) { case RPi::Framebuffer::PixelOrder::RGB: fb_ptr[0] = logo_pixels[0]; fb_ptr[1] = logo_pixels[1]; fb_ptr[2] = logo_pixels[2]; break; case RPi::Framebuffer::PixelOrder::BGR: fb_ptr[0] = logo_pixels[2]; fb_ptr[1] = logo_pixels[1]; fb_ptr[2] = logo_pixels[0]; break; default: dbgln("Unsupported pixel format"); VERIFY_NOT_REACHED(); } logo_pixels += 3; } else { fb_ptr[0] = 0xBD; fb_ptr[1] = 0xBD; fb_ptr[2] = 0xBD; } fb_ptr[3] = 0xFF; fb_ptr += 4; } fb_ptr += framebuffer.pitch() - framebuffer.width() * 4; } } }