* Welcome $ /res/icons/16x16/ladybug.png > Welcome, friends, to SerenityOS! Welcome to the exciting new world of Serenity, where the year is 1998 and the leading OS vendor has decided to merge their flagship product with a Unix-like kernel. Sit back and relax as you take a brief tour of the options available on this screen. If you want to explore an option, just click it. * Registration $ /res/icons/16x16/book.png > Register now! Registering your copy of Serenity opens the doors to full integration of Serenity into your life, your being, and your soul. By registering Serenity, you enter into the draw to win a lifetime supply of milk, delivered fresh each day by a mystical horse wearing a full tuxedo. To register, simply write your contact details on a piece of paper and hold it up to your monitor. * Internet $ /res/icons/16x16/filetype-html.png > Connect to the Internet! On the Internet, you can correspond through electronic mail (e-mail), get the latest news and financial information, and visit Web sites around the world, most of which will make you really angry. Serenity includes several internet applications, such as an IRC (Internet relay chat) client, WWW browser, telnet server, and basic utilities like ping. Come chat with us today! How bad can it be? * Fun & Games $ /res/icons/16x16/app-snake.png > Play some games! Serenity includes several games built right into the base system. These include the classic game Snake and the anti-productivity mainstay Minesweeper. With a little extra effort, you can even play the original id Software hit DOOM, albeit without sound. No sound just means you won't alert your boss, so it's more of a feature than a limitation. * Development $ /res/icons/16x16/app-hack-studio.png > Develop new applications! Serenity includes several development tools to enable you to create new applications for Serenity. You can build a new graphical tool, craft a new server, hack on a kernel, hammer the browser... the possibilities are endless! This is all possibly by using HackStudio, Terminal, and the (optional) GNU tools. * Multimedia $ /res/icons/16x16/audio-volume-medium.png > Draw while playing your favorite songs! Serenity includes the Piano, which allows you to create your own tunes by simply pressing keys on the keyboard. You can pick the wavetype, octave, and more! Serenity also has SoundPlayer, which lets you play WAV files. Serenity also has PixelPaint, which is a layered bitmap editor. Draw with the pencil and change colors. Try drawing shapes! Can't do that in GIMP!