# AWS StackReference Architecture This will deploy a Data VPC and an application VPC that is peered. It will deploy an RDS Instance into the Data VPC and it will run a sample application in ECS that is fronted with an ALB. The system has the following layers and need to be deployed in the following order to allow the correct data to be used between the system: 1. Networking 2. Database 3. Application ## Pre-Requisites 1. [Install Pulumi](https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/install). 1. Install [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/download). 1. Install a package manager for Node.js, such as [NPM](https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm) or [Yarn](https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install). 1. [Configure AWS Credentials](https://www.pulumi.com/docs/reference/clouds/aws/setup/). ## Network 1. Change to the networking project ```bash cd networking ``` 1. Install the dependencies. ```bash npm install ``` 1. Create a new Pulumi stack named `dev`. ```bash pulumi stack init dev ``` 1. Set the Pulumi configuration variables for the project. ```bash pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2 ``` If you wish to control the number of availability zones that the VPC will be created within, you can do this by setting: ```bash pulumi config set azCount 3 ``` 1. Deploy the networking stack ```bash pulumi up ``` ## Database 1. Change to the database project ```bash cd database ``` 1. Install the dependencies. ```bash npm install ``` 1. Create a new Pulumi stack named `dev`. ```bash pulumi stack init dev ``` 1. Set the Pulumi configuration variables for the project: ```bash pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2 pulumi config set dbUsername MyRootUser pulumi config set dbPassword --secret MyPassword1234! ``` You need to set a stack reference to the networking stack so that the RDS Instance can be deployed into the correct VPC that was created in the networking stack. The stack needs to be in the form `//` e.g. `myUsername/multicloud/dev`: ```bash pulumi config set networkingStack stack72/networking-layer/dev ``` If you wish to specify an initial database name in the RDS Instance, then you can do so by setting the following: ```bash pulumi config set dbName myDatbaseName ``` 1. Deploy the database stack ```bash pulumi up ``` ## Application 1. Change to the application project ```bash cd application ``` 1. Install the dependencies. ```bash npm install ``` 1. Create a new Pulumi stack named `dev`. ```bash pulumi stack init dev ``` 1. Set the Pulumi configuration variables for the project: ```bash pulumi config set aws:region us-west-2 ``` You need to set a stack reference to the networking stack so that the RDS Instance can be deployed into the correct VPC that was created in the networking stack. The stack needs to be in the form `//`: ```bash pulumi config set networkingStack stack72/networking-layer/dev ``` You need to set a stack reference to the database stack so that the Application Instance can get the correct credentials and database information for application startup. The stack needs to be in the form `//`: ```bash pulumi config set application-layer:databaseStack stack72/database-layer/dev ``` 1. Deploy the application stack ```bash pulumi up ``` You can then take the output `albAddress` and hit it with `curl` or in the browser to see the application running. ## Clean Up In each of the directories, run the following command to tear down the resources that are part of our stack. 1. Run `pulumi destroy` to tear down all resources. You'll be prompted to make sure you really want to delete these resources. ```bash pulumi destroy ``` 1. To delete the stack, run the following command. ```bash pulumi stack rm ``` > **Note:** This command deletes all deployment history from the Pulumi > Console and cannot be undone.