function [DEMr,zone] = reproject2utm(DEM,res,varargin) %REPROJECT2UTM Reproject DEM with WGS84 coordinate system to UTM-WGS84 % % Syntax % % [GRIDr,zone] = reproject2utm(GRID,res) % [GRIDr,zone] = reproject2utm(GRID,res,pn,pv,...) % GRIDr = reproject2utm(GRID,GRID2) % GRIDr = reproject2utm(GRID,GRID2,'method',method) % % Description % % Reproject a grid (GRIDobj) with WGS84 geographic coordinates to UTM % WGS84 (requires the mapping toolbox and image processing toolbox). % % Input arguments % % GRID raster (GRIDobj) with WGS84 geographic coordinates. % res spatial resolution in x- and y-direction (scalar) % GRID2 raster (GRIDobj) with projected coordinate system to which % GRID shall be projected. The resulting grid will be % perfectly spatially aligned (same cellsize, same upper left % egde, same size) with GRID2. % % Parameter name/value pairs % % zone is automatically determined. If supplied, the value must % be a string, e.g., '32T'. Note that this function requires % the full grid zone reference that includes the uppercase % letter indicating the latitudinal band. % method interpolation method ('bilinear' (default), 'bicubic', % or 'nearest') % % Output arguments % % GRIDr raster (GRIDobj) with UTM-WGS84 projected coordinates % zone utm zone (string) % % % See also: GRIDobj, imtransform, maketform, mfwdtran, minvtran, utmzone, % GRIDobj/projectGRIDobj % % Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at] % Date: 12. January, 2017 % get latitude and longitude vectors [lon,lat] = getcoordinates(DEM); if ~isa(res,'GRIDobj') % and calculate centroid of DEM. The centroid is used to % get the utmzone lonc = sum(lon([1 end]))/2; latc = sum(lat([1 end]))/2; zone = utmzone(latc,lonc); Nhemisphere = double(upper(zone(end)))>=78; else zone = ''; end % parse input arguments p = inputParser; validmethods = {'bicubic','bilinear','nearest','linear'}; p.FunctionName = 'GRIDobj/reproject2UTM'; % required addRequired(p,'DEM',@(x) isa(x,'GRIDobj')); addRequired(p,'res',@(x) (~isa(x,'GRIDobj') && isscalar(x) && x > 0) || isa(x,'GRIDobj')); % optional addParamValue(p,'zone',zone,@(x) ischar(x)); addParamValue(p,'method','bilinear',@(x) ischar(validatestring(x,validmethods))); parse(p,DEM,res,varargin{:}); % get zone for output zone =; % prepare mstruct (transformation structure) if only res supplied if ~isa(res,'GRIDobj') mstruct = defaultm('utm'); =; mstruct.geoid = wgs84Ellipsoid; mstruct = defaultm(utm(mstruct)); % use forward transformation of the corner locations of the DEM % to calculate the bounds of the reprojected DEM xlims = zeros(4,1); ylims = xlims; [xlims(1:2),ylims(1:2)] = mfwdtran(mstruct,[min(lat) max(lat)],[min(lon) max(lon)]); [xlims(3:4),ylims(3:4)] = mfwdtran(mstruct,[min(lat) max(lat)],[max(lon) min(lon)]); lims = [min(xlims) max(xlims) min(ylims) max(ylims)]; else mstruct = res.georef.mstruct; [x,y] = getcoordinates(res); lims = [min(x) max(x) min(y) max(y)]; end % prepare tform for the image transform T = maketform('custom', 2, 2, ... @FWDTRANS, ... @INVTRANS, ... []); % calculate image transform if ~isa(res,'GRIDobj') [Znew,xdata,ydata] = imtransform(flipud(DEM.Z),T,p.Results.method,... 'Xdata',lims([1 2]),... 'Ydata',lims([3 4]),... 'Udata',lon([1 end]),'Vdata',lat([end 1])',... 'XYScale',[res res],... 'Fillvalues',nan... ); % we have calculated the imtransform with 'ColumnsStartFrom' south. % GRIDobjs use 'ColumnsStartFrom' north Znew = flipud(Znew); xnew = cumsum([xdata(1) repmat(res,1,size(Znew,2)-1)]); ynew = flipud(cumsum([ydata(1) repmat(res,1,size(Znew,1)-1)])'); else Znew = imtransform(flipud(DEM.Z),T,p.Results.method,... 'Xdata',lims([1 2]),... 'Ydata',lims([3 4]),... 'Udata',lon([1 end]),'Vdata',lat([end 1])',... 'XYScale',[res.cellsize res.cellsize],... 'Fillvalues',nan... ); Znew = flipud(Znew); end if ~isa(res,'GRIDobj'); % Construct GRIDobj DEMr = GRIDobj(xnew,ynew,Znew); % and include geospatial information R = refmatToMapRasterReference(DEMr.refmat,DEMr.size); % write GeoKeyDirectoryTag so that DEMr can be exported % using GRIDobj2geotiff DEMr.georef.SpatialRef = R; GeoKeyDirectoryTag.GTModelTypeGeoKey = 1; % Projected coordinate system GeoKeyDirectoryTag.GTRasterTypeGeoKey = 1; % RasterPixelIsArea GeoKeyDirectoryTag.GTCitationGeoKey = ['PCS Name = WGS_84_UTM_zone_']; GeoKeyDirectoryTag.GeogCitationGeoKey = 'GCS_WGS_1984'; GeoKeyDirectoryTag.GeogAngularUnitsGeoKey = 9102; %Angular_Degree % get ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey if Nhemisphere hemisphere = '326'; else hemisphere = '327'; end % % WGS84 / UTM northern hemisphere: 326zz where zz is UTM zone number % WGS84 / UTM southern hemisphere: 327zz where zz is UTM zone number % GeoKeyDirectoryTag.ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey = str2double([hemisphere zone(1:2)]); GeoKeyDirectoryTag.ProjectedCSTypeGeoKey = str2double([hemisphere sprintf('%02d',str2double(zone(regexp(zone,'[0-9]'))))]); GeoKeyDirectoryTag.ProjLinearUnitsGeoKey = 9001; % Linear_Meter DEMr.georef.GeoKeyDirectoryTag = GeoKeyDirectoryTag; DEMr.georef.mstruct = mstruct; = [ ' (utm)']; else DEMr = res; DEMr.Z = Znew; = [ ' (repr)']; zone = []; end % Transformation functions for imtransform % (may want to check projfwd and projinv instead mfwdtran and minvtran) function x = FWDTRANS(u,~) [x,y] = mfwdtran(mstruct,u(:,2),u(:,1)); x = [x y]; end function u = INVTRANS(x,~) [lati,long] = minvtran(mstruct,x(:,1),x(:,2)); u = [long lati]; end end