function FA = postprocflats(FLATS,FA,fun) %POSTPROCFLATS postprocess flat terrain for visualization purpose % % Syntax % % Ap = postprocflats(FLATS,A,fun) % % Description % % Flat areas in DEMs often constitute lakes. Flow routing and % accumulation through these lakes usually produces one pixel wide flow % paths that do not reflect the true extent of water bodies. This % function resolves this issue by setting values in flat areas to some % constant values value related to the flow accumulation grid. % postprocsinks assigns equal values to each connected, flat area using % a user-defined function. % % Input % % FLATS logical grid indicating flats (as returned by the function % identifyflats) (class: GRIDobj) % A flow accumulation array (class: GRIDobj) % fun scalar, string or function handle of a function that takes % a vector and returns a scalar such as min, max, median, . % mean etc (default = @max). To assign the same value to each % flat, use following syntax: A2 = postprocflats(I,A,100000); % % Output % % Ap postprocessed flow accumulation grid (class: GRIDobj) % % Example % % DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif'); % FD = FLOWobj(DEM,'preprocess','c'); % A = flowacc(FD); % I = identifyflats(fillsinks(DEM)); % FA = postprocflats(I,A,@max); % imageschs(DEM,FA) % % See also: IDENTIFYFLATS, FUNCTION_HANDLE % % Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at] % Date: 17. August, 2017 % check if GRIDs are aligned validatealignment(FA,FLATS); % extract values for further processing flats = FLATS.Z; A = FA.Z; % check input arguments if ~isa(flats, 'logical') flats = flats>0 & ~isnan(flats); end if nargin==3 if isa(fun, 'char'); fun = str2func(['@(x)' fun '(x)']); end if isa(fun, 'numeric'); fun = str2func(['@(x)' num2str(fun)]); end else fun = @max; end % find connected components CC = bwconncomp(flats,8); % extract values in A cA = cellfun(@(x) A(x),CC.PixelIdxList,'UniformOutput',false); % compute new values try val = cell2mat(cellfun(fun,cA,'UniformOutput',false)); catch %#ok error('the function must take a vector and return a scalar') end % and write them in A for r = 1:numel(CC.PixelIdxList); A(CC.PixelIdxList{r}) = val(r); end % write output to FA FA.Z = A;