function [x,y] = getcoordinates(DEM,type) %GETCOORDINATES get coordinate vectors of an instance of GRIDobj % % Syntax % % [x,y] = getcoordinates(DEM) % [x,y] = getcoordinates(DEM,type) % % Input arguments % % DEM grid (class: GRIDobj) % % Output arguments % % x coordinate vector in x direction (row vector) % y coordinate vector in y direction (column vector) % type 'vector' (default). Alternatively, you can return coordinate % matrices ('matrix') or GRIDobjs ('GRIDobj') % Example % % DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif'); % [x,y] = getcoordinates(DEM); % surf(x,y,double(DEM.Z)) % axis image; shading interp; camlight % % % % See also: GRIDobj2mat % % Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at] % Date: 17. September, 2018 [x,y] = refmat2XY(DEM.refmat,DEM.size); if nargin == 1 return; else type = validatestring(type,{'vector','matrix','GRIDobj'}); end switch type case 'vector' return case 'matrix' [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); case 'GRIDobj' [x,y] = meshgrid(x,y); X = GRIDobj(DEM); X.Z = x; Y = GRIDobj(DEM); Y.Z = y; x = X; y = Y; end