function DEM = fillsinks(DEM,maxdepth) %FILLSINKS fill/remove pits, sinks or topographic depressions % % Syntax % % DEMfs = fillsinks(DEM) % DEMfs = fillsinks(DEM,maxdepth) % DEMfs = fillsinks(DEM,sinks) % DEMfs = fillsinks(DEM,sinks,option) % % Description % % fillsinks removes topographic depressions in a Digital Elevation % Model (DEM). Use this function to enable a continuous flow towards % the DEM edges. % % Sinks may, however, be closed basins or dolines and as such they are % important features of DEMs. In order to account for such sinks, % fillsinks allows you to specify a maximum depth of sinks, that % will be filled, or to employ a logical grid (sinks) that is true % where sinks should remain (minima imposition). Note that for latter % option, there will be one regional minima for each connected % component in the sinks grid. % % Input % % DEM digital elevation model (GRIDobj) % maxdepth positive scalar with maximum depth of sinks that will be % filled % SINKS logical matrix same size as dem with true elements % referring to sinks (GRIDobj) % % Output % % DEMfs digital elevation model with filled sinks (GRIDobj) % % Example % % DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif'); % DEMf = fillsinks(DEM); % % display sink depth % DIFFDEM = DEMf-DEM; % DIFFDEM.Z(DIFFDEM.Z==0) = nan; % imageschs(DEM,DIFFDEM.Z); % % % See also: IMFILL, IMRECONSTRUCT, IMIMPOSEMIN, PREPROCESSTOOL % % Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at] % Date: 28. January, 2013 % Check input arguments narginchk(1, 2) if nargin == 1 else if isscalar(maxdepth) && ~isa(maxdepth,'GRIDobj') validateattributes(maxdepth,{'numeric'},{'>',0}); md = true; else SINKS = maxdepth; validatealignment(DEM,SINKS); if isa(SINKS,'GRIDobj') SINKS = SINKS.Z; end md = false; end end dem = DEM.Z; % START here % identify nans Inan = isnan(dem); % set nans to -inf dem(Inan) = -inf; if nargin == 1 % fill depressions using imreconstruct with an 8-neighborhood marker = -dem; II = false(size(dem)); II(2:end-1,2:end-1) = true; marker(II & ~Inan) = -inf; demfs = -imreconstruct(marker,-dem,8); elseif nargin==2 && md % create mask % complement image dem = imcomplement(dem); % create marker marker = dem; marker(2:end-1,2:end-1) = -inf; if any(Inan) I = (imdilate(Inan,ones(3)) & ~Inan); marker(I) = dem(I); end demfs = imreconstruct(marker,dem); % difference image between filled and original DEM D = dem-demfs; Inan = ~Inan; Inan = Inan(:); while any(D(Inan) > maxdepth) % find maximum difference in each connected sink area I = D>0; STATS = regionprops(I,D,'MaxIntensity','PixelIdxList'); for r = 1:numel(STATS) if STATS(r).MaxIntensity < maxdepth % do nothing else [~,ix] = max(D(STATS(r).PixelIdxList)); ix = ix(1); marker(STATS(r).PixelIdxList(ix)) = dem(STATS(r).PixelIdxList(ix)); end end demfs = imreconstruct(marker,dem); D = dem-demfs; end % complement image again demfs = imcomplement(demfs); Inan = reshape(~Inan,DEM.size); else % minima imposition I = true(size(dem)); I(2:end-1,2:end-1) = false; if any(Inan(:)) I = (imdilate(Inan,ones(3)) & ~Inan) | I; end % Refine markers by identifying the lowest value in each sink STATS = regionprops(SINKS,dem,'MinIntensity','PixelIdxList'); SINKS = false(size(SINKS)); for r = 1:numel(STATS) ix = find(dem(STATS(r).PixelIdxList)==STATS(r).MinIntensity,1,'first'); SINKS(STATS(r).PixelIdxList(ix)) = true; end marker = -inf(size(dem),class(dem)); marker(SINKS) = -dem(SINKS); marker(I) = -dem(I); demfs = -imreconstruct(marker,-dem); end % nans in the dem are set to nan again if isfloat(demfs) demfs(Inan) = nan; end DEM.Z = demfs;