function [D] = dist2line(DEM,x0,y0,alpha) %DIST2LINE labels pixels in a GRIDobj by their distance to a straight line % % Syntax % D = dist2line(DEM,x0,y0,alpha) % % Description % % dist2line(DEM,x0,y0,alpha) computes the orthogonal distance of each % pixel in a GRIDobj to a line that goes through the point(s) at % (x0,y0) and has an angle alpha from north (or the y-axis). Distances % are computed using the function 'distancePointLine' by David Legland, % which is part of the geom2d library, available at Matlab Central file % exchange. The function is included here. % % Input % % DEM GRIDobj % x0 x coordinate of point (scalar) % y0 y coordinate of point (scalar) % alpha angle in degrees from north, clockwise (scalar) % % Output % % D GRIDobj % % Example % % DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif'); % [x,y] = getcoordinates(DEM); % D = dist2line(DEM,mean(x),mean(y),45); % imagesc(D), colorbar % % See also: GRIDobj % % Author: Dirk Scherler (scherler[at] % Date: 25. June, 2014, updated 30. March, 2017; [x,y] = getcoordinates(DEM); [X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y); x = X(:); y = Y(:); D = DEM; D.Z(:) = 0; % Create line dx = 1; dy = dx/tand(alpha); LINE = [x0 y0 dx dy]; D.Z(:) = distancePointLine([x,y],LINE); end function dist = distancePointLine(point, line) %DISTANCEPOINTLINE Minimum distance between a point and a line % % D = distancePointLine(POINT, LINE) % Return the euclidean distance between line LINE and point POINT. % % LINE has the form : [x0 y0 dx dy], and POINT is [x y]. % % If LINE is N-by-4 array, result is N-by-1 array computes for each line. % % If POINT is N-by-2, then result is computed for each point. % % If both POINT and LINE are array, result is N-by-1, computed for each % corresponding point and line. % % % See also: % lines2d, points2d, distancePoints, distancePointEdge % % % --------- % author : David Legland % INRA - CEPIA URPOI - MIA MathCell % created the 24/06/2005 % % HISTORY : if size(line, 1)==1 && size(point, 1)>1 line = repmat(line, [size(point, 1) 1]); end if size(point, 1)==1 && size(line, 1)>1 point = repmat(point, [size(line, 1) 1]); end dx = line(:, 3); dy = line(:, 4); % compute position of points projected on line tp = ((point(:, 2) - line(:, 2)).*dy + (point(:, 1) - line(:, 1)).*dx) ./ (dx.*dx+dy.*dy); p0 = line(:, 1:2) + [tp tp].*[dx dy]; % compute distances between points and their projections dx = point - p0; dist = sqrt(sum(dx.*dx, 2)); end