function DEM = diffusion(DEM,varargin) %DIFFUSION Solve the diffusion equation % % Syntax % % DEMd = diffusion(DEM) % % Description % % This function uses an implicit scheme to solve the linear diffusion % equation for a DEM. % % Input arguments % % DEM digital elevation model % % Parameter name/value pairs % % D diffusivity (m^2 /y) (default = 1) % timespan duration (y) (default = 1000) % numsteps number of iterations (default = 5) % streamnet STREAMobj % solver 'pcg' (default) or '\' % pcgtol 1e-6 (default) % uplift GRIDobj or scalar (default = 0) % % % Output arguments % % DEMd diffused DEM % % Example % % DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif'); % DEMd = DEM; % for r = 1:10; % DEMd = diffusion(DEMd); % imageschs(DEMd); % drawnow; % end % figure % imageschs(DEM,DEMd-DEM) % % See also: GRIDobj/filter, ttlem % % Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at] % Date: 20. October, 2020 p = inputParser; addParameter(p,'timespan',1000) addParameter(p,'numsteps',5) addParameter(p,'D',1) addParameter(p,'streamnet',[]) addParameter(p,'solver','pcg') addParameter(p,'pcgtol',1e-6) addParameter(p,'uplift',0) parse(p,varargin{:}); D = p.Results.D; numsteps = p.Results.numsteps; dt = p.Results.timespan / numsteps; nrc = prod(DEM.size); % get neighbor indices [ic,icd] = ixneighbors(DEM.Z,[],4); % remove indices to nan-cells I = isnan(DEM.Z(ic)) | isnan(DEM.Z(icd)); ic(I) = []; icd(I) = []; % calculate laplacian L = sparse(ic,icd,1,nrc,nrc); L = spdiags(sum(L,2),0,nrc,nrc) - L; % and the diffusion matrix if isa(D,'GRIDobj') D = D.Z(:); else D = repmat(D,numel(DEM.Z),1); end if isempty(p.Results.streamnet) D = speye(nrc) + spdiags(D,0,nrc,nrc)*dt/(2*DEM.cellsize^2)*L; else S = +STREAMobj2GRIDobj(p.Results.streamnet); D = speye(nrc) + spdiags(D,0,nrc,nrc)*dt/(2*DEM.cellsize^2)*spdiags(1-S.Z(:),0,nrc,nrc)*L; end % must work with doubles % remember class c = class(DEM.Z); % ensure double DEM.Z = double(DEM.Z); % set nan values to zero I = isnan(DEM.Z); DEM.Z(I) = 0; % solve Z1 = DEM.Z(:); if isa(p.Results.uplift,'GRIDobj') u = p.Results.uplift.Z; else u = double(p.Results.uplift); u = repmat(u,DEM.size); end if ~isempty(p.Results.streamnet) u(S.Z>0) = 0; end u = u(:); u = u/1000 * dt; for r = 1:numsteps switch p.Results.solver case '\' Z1 = D\(Z1+u); case 'pcg' [Z1,~] = pcg(D,double(Z1+u),p.Results.pcgtol,[],[],[],Z1); otherwise error('unknown solver') end end % reshape DEM.Z = reshape(Z1,DEM.size); % reset values to nan DEM.Z(I) = nan; % reset input class DEM.Z = cast(DEM.Z,c);