function [DEMc,MASK] = crop(DEM,varargin) %CROP crop an instance of GRIDobj with axis-aligned minimum bounding box % % Syntax % % DEMc = crop(DEM) % DEMc = crop(DEM,I) % DEMc = crop(DEM,I,fillval) % DEMc = crop(DEM,ix) % DEMc = crop(DEM,x,y) % DEMc = crop(DEM,'interactive'); % % Description % % crop removes outer parts of a grid based on missing values (NaNs), % a mask, linear indices or coordinate pairs such that the axis-aligned % minimum bounding rectangle remains. % % Input arguments % % DEM instance of GRIDobj % I mask (logical) as instance of GRIDobj % fillval scalar; values in the output grid where I.Z==0 obtain this % value (crop and clip by setting fillval to nan) % ix linear index into the DEM % x,y coordinate vectors % % Example % % DEM = GRIDobj('srtm_bigtujunga30m_utm11.tif'); % MASK = createmask(DEM); % DEMc = crop(DEM,MASK,NaN); % imagesc(DEMc) % % % See also: IND2SUB, GRIDobj/pad, GRIDobj/resample % % Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at] % Date: 7. March, 2018 narginchk(1,3); if nargin == 1 MASK = isnan(DEM.Z); if ~any(MASK(:)) DEMc = DEM; if nargout == 2 MASK = DEM; MASK.Z = true(DEM.size); MASK.zunit = ''; = 'mask for cropping'; end return end MASK = ~MASK; % MASK = bwperim(MASK); IX = find(MASK); elseif nargin >= 2 if isa(varargin{1},'GRIDobj') || isa(varargin{1},'logical') % GRIDobj validatealignment(DEM,varargin{1}); if isa(varargin{1},'GRIDobj') MASK = logical(varargin{1}.Z); else MASK = varargin{1}; end if nargin == 3 validateattributes(varargin{2},{'numeric'},{'scalar'},'crop','fillval',3); if isnan(varargin{2}) && ~(isa(DEM.Z,'single') || isa(DEM.Z,'double')) DEM.Z(~MASK) = 0; warning('TopoToolbox:GRIDobj',... ['fillval set to zero since data type of the input grid\newline' ... 'does not support nans']) else DEM.Z(~MASK) = varargin{2}; end end % MASK = bwperim(MASK); IX = find(MASK); elseif nargin == 2 if isnumeric(varargin{1}) % indices are supplied IX = varargin{1}; if numel(IX) < 2 error('TopoToolbox:GRIDobj',... 'At least two indices are required to crop the grid.') end if any(IX<1) || any(IX>prod(DEM.size)) error('TopoToolbox:GRIDobj',... ['Index must range between 1 and ' num2str(prod(DEM.size)) '.']) end else % interactive part try imagesc(DEM); [xx,yy] = getcoordinates(DEM); minx = min(xx) - 0.1*DEM.cellsize; maxx = max(xx) + 0.1*DEM.cellsize; miny = min(yy) - 0.1*DEM.cellsize; maxy = max(yy) + 0.1*DEM.cellsize; c = uicontrol('Style','Text','Units','normalized','position',[0 0 1 0.05],... 'String','Draw rectangle and double click when finished.'); fcn = makeConstrainToRectFcn('imrect',[minx maxx],[miny maxy]); h = imrect(gca,'PositionConstraintFcn',fcn); addNewPositionCallback(h,@(pos) set(c,'String',... ['LX:' num2str(round(pos(1)),'%d') ', LY:' num2str(round(pos(2)),'%d') ... ', UX:' num2str(round(pos(1)+pos(3)),'%d') ', UY:' num2str(round(pos(2)+pos(4)),'%d')])); [~] = wait(h); MASK = createMask(h); delete(h) close catch ME delete(h); error('TopoToolbox:crop','output variable undefined') return end % MASK = bwperim(MASK); IX = find(MASK); end else [X,Y] = refmat2XY(DEM.refmat,DEM.size); x = varargin{1}; y = varargin{2}; x = max(min(X),x); x = min(max(X),x); y = max(min(Y),y); y = min(max(Y),y); IX = coord2ind(X,Y,x,y); end end if nargout == 2 MASK = DEM; MASK.Z = false(DEM.size); MASK.Z(IX) = true; = 'mask for cropping'; MASK.zunit = ''; end % nr of dimensions siz = DEM.size; k = [1 cumprod(siz(1:end-1))]; % preallocate subsref structure S = substruct('()',cell(1,2)); % subset size sizout = zeros(1,2); % loop through dimensions (see ind2sub) % and get subscripts of minimum bounding rectangle/box/... for r = 2:-1:1 IX2 = rem(IX-1,k(r))+1; subdim = (IX-IX2)/k(r)+1; S.subs{r} = min(subdim):max(subdim); sizout(r) = numel(S.subs{r}); IX = IX2; end DEMc = DEM; DEMc.Z = reshape(subsref(DEM.Z,S),sizout); DEMc.size = sizout; [x,y] = sub2coord(DEM,S.subs{1}(1),S.subs{2}(1)); DEMc.refmat(3,:) = [x y] - DEMc.cellsize*[1 -1]; = [ ' (cropped)']; DEMc.zunit = DEM.zunit; DEMc.xyunit = DEM.xyunit; if ~isempty(DEM.georef) % Copy all referencing information DEMc.georef = DEM.georef; DEMc.georef.SpatialRef = refmatToMapRasterReference(DEMc.refmat, DEMc.size); end