function GRIDobj2geotiff(A,file) %GRIDobj2geotiff Exports an instance of GRIDobj to a geotiff file % % Syntax % % GRIDobj2geotiff(DEM) % GRIDobj2geotiff(DEM,filename) % % Description % % GeoTIFF is a common image file format that stores coordinates and % projection information to be read by most GIS software. % GRIDobj2geotiff writes an instance of GRIDobj to a GeoTIFF file. % % GRIDobj2geotiff requires the function geotiffwrite available with % the Mapping Toolbox. If geotiffwrite does not exist on the search % path, the function will write a standard tif together with a % '.tfw'-file (worldfile, ) to % the disk. % % GRIDobj2geotiff(DEM) opens a dialogue box to save the GeoTIFF % % GRIDobj2geotiff(DEM,filename) saves the DEM to the specified % filename % % Input arguments % % DEM instance of GRIDobj % filename absolute or relative path and filename % % See also: GRIDobj % % Author: Wolfgang Schwanghart (w.schwanghart[at] % Date: 17. August, 2017 narginchk(1,2) % if only 1 argument, open file dialog box if nargin == 1 [FileName,PathName] = uiputfile({'*.tif'}); if FileName == 0 disp(' no output written to disk') return end file = [PathName FileName]; end % try to use geotiffwrite, which comes with the Mapping Toolbox try if isempty(A.georef); geotiffwrite(file,A.Z,A.refmat); else geotiffwrite(file,A.Z,A.georef.SpatialRef,... 'GeoKeyDirectoryTag',A.georef.GeoKeyDirectoryTag); end catch ME warning('TopoToolbox:GRIDobj',... ['GRIDobj2geotiff is unable to write a geotiff. Either you don''t \n'... 'have the mapping toolbox, or there was another issue with geotiffwrite. \n'... 'GRIDobj2geotiff instead writes a tif-image together with a world \n'... 'file (*.tfw) which contains data on spatial referencing of the \n' ... 'image, yet which lacks information on the type of projection used.']); % if geotiffwrite is not available or any other error occurs % a tif file will be written to the disk together with a worldfile % .tfw-file. [pathstr, name, ~] = fileparts(file); k = refmat2worldfile(A.refmat); dlmwrite(fullfile(pathstr,[name '.tfw']),k,'precision', '%.10f'); A = A.Z; siz = size(A); cla = class(A); switch cla; case 'double' BpS = 64; TSF = Tiff.SampleFormat.IEEEFP; case 'single' BpS = 32; TSF = Tiff.SampleFormat.IEEEFP; otherwise if islogical(A); A = uint32(A); cla = 'uint32'; end BpS = round(log2(double(intmax(cla)))); TSF = Tiff.SampleFormat.UInt; end t = Tiff(file,'w'); tagstruct.ImageLength = siz(1); tagstruct.ImageWidth = siz(2); tagstruct.BitsPerSample = BpS; tagstruct.SampleFormat = TSF; tagstruct.SamplesPerPixel = 1; tagstruct.RowsPerStrip = 16; tagstruct.PlanarConfiguration = Tiff.PlanarConfiguration.Chunky; tagstruct.Software = 'MATLAB'; tagstruct.Photometric = 0; t.setTag(tagstruct); t.write(A); t.close; end end function k = refmat2worldfile(r) % does not support rotation k(1,1) = r(2,1); k(4,1) = r(1,2); k(5,1) = r(3,1)+k(1); k(6,1) = r(3,2)+k(4); end