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Documentation & Website Generation

To build the documentation:, from the /docs folder:


  • python autogeneration/pages/ -> creates evaluator pages
  • python autogeneration/pages/ -> creates metrics page

Note: credoai-lens and credoai-connect needs to be installed for this to work correctly.

After pushing to github, Read the Docs will build the documentation if the branch is currently activated.

For local build, on top of the previous commands, run make htmldirectory and the docs site will build to: docs/_build/html/index.html, which can be opened in the browser.

Make sure you have Sphinx installed if you are building the docs site locally.

Building the docs requires additional dependencies listed in docs/requirements.txt.

This directory contains the content relevant to documentation & website generation using sphinx. The most important resource is which includes settings and extensions that sphinx uses.

These docs make use of Sphinx's autosummary recursion. To see how to configure Sphinx to do this, see this Github repo README.

Building the installable distribution

python sdist bdist_wheel

Testing Package

Upload to TestPyPI

After creating the required files in dist and installing twine, run:

python -m twine upload --repository testpypi dist/*

For more info, follow instructions here to upload to PyPi.

Installating from test server

To install from the test PyPi server (useful before full deployment) run:

pip install -i --extra-index-url credoai-lens

Upload to Pypi

python -m twine upload dist/*