% Copyright 2011 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. % Author: steve.the.bayesian@gmail.com (Steve Scott) \name{quarter} \alias{Quarter} \title{Find the quarter in which a date occurs} \Rdversion{1.0} \description{ Returns the quarter and year in which a date occurs. } \usage{ Quarter(date) } \arguments{ \item{date}{A vector convertible to \code{\link{POSIXlt}}. A \code{\link{Date}} or \code{character} is fine.} } \value{ A numeric vector identifying the quarter that each element of \code{date} corresponds to, expressed as a number of years since 1900. Thus Q1-2000 is 100.00, and Q3-2007 is 107.50. } \author{ Steven L. Scott \email{steve.the.bayesian@gmail.com} } \examples{ Quarter(c("2008-02-29", "2008-04-29")) # [1] 108.00 108.25 } \keyword{chron}