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Gosl. opt. Solvers for optimization problems

Go Reference

This package provides routines to solve optimization problems. The methods Conjugate Gradients ConjGrad, Powell's method Powell and Gradient Descent GradDesc can be used to solve unconstrained nonlinear problems. Linear programming problems can be solved with the Interior-Point Method for linear problems LinIpm.

Auxiliary structures

  • History -- holds history of numerical optimization
  • Factory -- holds some pre-configured optimization problems
  • Problem -- defines functions required for each optimization problem
  • Convergence -- holds the objective and gradient functions and some control parameters to assess the convergence of the nonlinear solver. An instance of History is also recorded here.

Nonlinear problems

  • ConjGrad -- conjugate gradients
  • Powell -- Powell's method
  • GradDesc -- gradient descent

These structures are instantiated with a given objective function and its gradient. They are all instances of Convergence and thus use the control parameters from there. The method Min can be called to solve the problem.

Conjugate Gradients, Powell, Gradient Descent

Comparison using Simple Quadratic Function

	// objective function
	problem := opt.Factory.SimpleQuadratic2d()

	// initial point
	x0 := la.NewVectorSlice([]float64{1.5, -0.75})

	// ConjGrad
	xmin1 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol1 := opt.NewConjGrad(problem)
	sol1.UseHist = true
	t0 := time.Now()
	fmin1 := sol1.Min(xmin1, nil)
	dt := time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin1, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: xmin     = %.9f  (xref = %g)\n", xmin1, problem.Xref)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: NumIter  = %d\n", sol1.NumIter)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: NumFeval = %d\n", sol1.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: NumGeval = %d\n", sol1.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("ConjGrad: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

	// Powell
	xmin2 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol2 := opt.NewPowell(problem)
	sol2.UseHist = true
	t0 = time.Now()
	fmin2 := sol2.Min(xmin2, nil)
	dt = time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("Powell: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin2, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("Powell: xmin     = %.9f  (xref = %g)\n", xmin2, problem.Xref)
	io.Pf("Powell: NumIter  = %d\n", sol2.NumIter)
	io.Pf("Powell: NumFeval = %d\n", sol2.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("Powell: NumGeval = %d\n", sol2.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("Powell: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

	// GradDesc
	xmin3 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol3 := opt.NewGradDesc(problem)
	sol3.UseHist = true
	sol3.Alpha = 0.2
	t0 = time.Now()
	fmin3 := sol3.Min(xmin3, nil)
	dt = time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("GradDesc: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin3, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: xmin     = %.9f  (xref = %g)\n", xmin3, problem.Xref)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: NumIter  = %d\n", sol3.NumIter)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: NumFeval = %d\n", sol3.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: NumGeval = %d\n", sol3.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("GradDesc: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

Rosenbrock Function

	// objective function: Rosenbrock
	N := 5 // 5D
	problem := opt.Factory.RosenbrockMulti(N)

	// initial point
	x0 := la.NewVectorSlice([]float64{1.3, 0.7, 0.8, 1.9, 1.2})

	// solve using Brent's method as Line Search
	xmin1 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol1 := opt.NewConjGrad(problem)
	sol1.UseBrent = true
	sol1.UseHist = true
	t0 := time.Now()
	fmin1 := sol1.Min(xmin1, nil)
	dt := time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("Brent: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin1, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("Brent: xmin     = %.9f\n", xmin1)
	io.Pf("Brent: NumIter  = %d\n", sol1.NumIter)
	io.Pf("Brent: NumFeval = %d\n", sol1.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("Brent: NumGeval = %d\n", sol1.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("Brent: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

	// solve using Wolfe's method as Line Search
	xmin2 := x0.GetCopy()
	sol2 := opt.NewConjGrad(problem)
	sol2.UseBrent = false
	sol2.UseHist = true
	t0 = time.Now()
	fmin2 := sol2.Min(xmin2, nil)
	dt = time.Now().Sub(t0)

	// stat
	io.Pf("Wolfe: fmin     = %g  (fref = %g)\n", fmin2, problem.Fref)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: xmin     = %.9f\n", xmin2)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: NumIter  = %d\n", sol2.NumIter)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: NumFeval = %d\n", sol2.NumFeval)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: NumGeval = %d\n", sol2.NumGeval)
	io.Pf("Wolfe: ElapsedT = %v\n", dt)

Interior-point method for linear problems

LinIpm solves:

        min cᵀx   s.t.   Aᵀx = b, x ≥ 0

or the dual problem:

        max bᵀλ   s.t.   Aᵀλ + s = c, s ≥ 0

Linear problems can be solved with the LinIpm structure. First, the problem definitions are initialized with the Init command and by giving the matrix of constraint coefficients (A), the right-hand side vector (b) of the constraints, and the vector defining the minimization problem (c).

The matrix A is given as compressed-column sparse for efficiency purposes.

Example 1

Simple linear problem:

linear programming problem:

  min cᵀx   s.t.   Aᵀx = b, x ≥ 0

specific problem:

     min   -4*x0 - 5*x1

   s.t.  2*x0 +   x1 ≤ 3
           x0 + 2*x1 ≤ 3

         x0,x1 ≥ 0

standard form:

       min      -4*x0 - 5*x1


   2*x0 +   x1 + x2     = 3
     x0 + 2*x1     + x3 = 3

   x0,x1,x2,x3 ≥ 0

as matrix:
                 / x0 \
  [-4  -5  0  0] | x1 | = cᵀ x
                 | x2 |
                 \ x3 /

   _            _   / x0 \
  |  2  1  1  0  |  | x1 | = Aᵀ x
  |_ 1  2  0  1 _|  | x2 |
                    \ x3 /

Go code:

	// coefficients vector
	c := []float64{-4, -5, 0, 0}

	// constraints as a sparse matrix
	var T la.Triplet
	T.Init(2, 4, 6) // 2 by 4 matrix, with 6 non-zeros
	T.Put(0, 0, 2.0)
	T.Put(0, 1, 1.0)
	T.Put(0, 2, 1.0)
	T.Put(1, 0, 1.0)
	T.Put(1, 1, 2.0)
	T.Put(1, 3, 1.0)
	Am := T.ToMatrix(nil) // compressed-column matrix

	// right-hand side
	b := []float64{3, 3}

	// solve LP
	var ipm opt.LinIpm
	defer ipm.Free()
	ipm.Init(Am, b, c, nil)

	// print solution
	io.Pf("x = %v\n", ipm.X)
	io.Pf("λ = %v\n", ipm.L)
	io.Pf("s = %v\n", ipm.S)

	// check solution
	A := Am.ToDense()
	bchk := la.NewVector(2)
	la.MatVecMul(bchk, 1, A, ipm.X)
	io.Pf("b(check) = %v\n", bchk)


A =
     2     1     1     0
     1     2     0     1

b =      3     3

c =     -4    -5     0     0

 it            f(x)           error
  0 -9.99000000e+00  1.71974522e-01
  1 -8.65656141e+00  3.63052829e-02
  2 -8.99639576e+00  3.78555516e-04
  3 -8.99996396e+00  3.78424585e-06
  4 -8.99999964e+00  3.78423235e-08
  5 -9.00000000e+00  3.78423337e-10

x = [0.9999999990004347 1.000000000078799 1.9203318816792844e-09 8.419670861842801e-10]
λ = [-1.0000000003319234 -1.9999999997280653]
s = [7.256799795925211e-10 1.218218347079067e-10 1.0000000006656913 2.000000000061833]
b(check) = [2.9999999980796686 2.9999999991580326]

Example 2

Another linear problem:

linear programming problem:

  min cᵀx   s.t.   Aᵀx = b, x ≥ 0

specific problem:

  min   2*x0 +   x1
  s.t.   -x0 +   x1 ≤ 1
          x0 +   x1 ≥ 2   →  -x0 - x1 ≤ -2
          x0 - 2*x1 ≤ 4
        x1 ≥ 0

standard (step 1) add slack
  s.t.   -x0 +   x1 + x2           = 1
         -x0 -   x1      + x3      = -2
          x0 - 2*x1           + x4 = 4

standard (step 2)
   replace x0 := x0_ - x5
   because it's unbounded

   min  2*x0_ +   x1                - 2*x5
   s.t.  -x0_ +   x1 + x2           +   x5 = 1
         -x0_ -   x1      + x3      +   x5 = -2
          x0_ - 2*x1           + x4 -   x5 = 4
        x0_,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5 ≥ 0

Go code:

	// coefficients vector
	c := []float64{2, 1, 0, 0, 0, -2}

	// constraints as a sparse matrix
	var T la.Triplet
	T.Init(3, 6, 12) // 3 by 6 matrix, with 12 non-zeros
	T.Put(0, 0, -1)
	T.Put(0, 1, 1)
	T.Put(0, 2, 1)
	T.Put(0, 5, 1)
	T.Put(1, 0, -1)
	T.Put(1, 1, -1)
	T.Put(1, 3, 1)
	T.Put(1, 5, 1)
	T.Put(2, 0, 1)
	T.Put(2, 1, -2)
	T.Put(2, 4, 1)
	T.Put(2, 5, -1)
	Am := T.ToMatrix(nil) // compressed-column matrix

	// right-hand side
	b := []float64{1, -2, 4}

	// solve LP
	var ipm opt.LinIpm
	defer ipm.Free()
	ipm.Init(Am, b, c, nil)

	// print solution
	io.Pf("x = %v\n", ipm.X)
	io.Pf("λ = %v\n", ipm.L)
	io.Pf("s = %v\n", ipm.S)

	// check solution
	chk.Verbose = true
	tst := new(testing.T)
	A := Am.ToDense()
	bres := make([]float64, len(b))
	la.MatVecMul(bres, 1, A, ipm.X)
	chk.Array(tst, "A*x=b", 1e-8, bres, b)

	// fix and check x
	x := ipm.X[:2]
	x[0] -= ipm.X[5]
	chk.Array(tst, "x", 1e-8, x, []float64{0.5, 1.5})


A =
    -1     1     1     0     0     1
    -1    -1     0     1     0     1
     1    -2     0     0     1    -1

b =      1    -2     4

c =      2     1     0     0     0    -2

 it            f(x)           error
  0  4.82195674e+00  4.72141263e-01
  1  3.66300276e+00  4.21080232e-01
  2  2.67385434e+00  3.69702809e-02
  3  2.50182089e+00  5.20560741e-04
  4  2.50001821e+00  5.20845343e-06
  5  2.50000018e+00  5.20848030e-08
  6  2.50000000e+00  5.20848253e-10

x = [3.4562270104040635 1.4999999986259591 2.971515056222099e-09 2.2343305942772616e-10 6.499999995654445 2.9562270088065894]
λ = [-0.49999999992944033 -1.4999999999550573 4.316183389793475e-12]
s = [2.489351257414523e-10 1.207644468431149e-10 0.5000000000671894 1.5000000000928062 1.3343281402633547e-10 2.6562805299653977e-11]
x = [0.5000000015974742 1.4999999986259591]
b(check) = [0.999999997028485 -2.0000000002234333 -2.499999995654444]


Please see the documentation here