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Using esh2tex with Org-mode

Code blocks

Make sure that org-latex-listings is nil:

(setq org-latex-listings nil)

Add the following to the beginning of your org file:

#+LATEX_HEADER: \input{esh-preamble}

Then before each Org source block:

#+LATEX: %% ESH: <lang>

Inline code

For inline code, start with this to ensure that you get \verb in the output when you use verbatim (~…~) in the input:

(with-eval-after-load 'ox-latex
  (setcdr (assoc 'code org-latex-text-markup-alist) 'verb))

The prefix each inline code block like this:

This is an example of C++ code: @c++ ~int main() { return 0; }~.
This, on the other hand, is Python: @python ~def main(): return 0~.

And add the following lines to your esh-init.el:

(esh-latex-add-inline-verb "@c++ \\verb" 'c++-mode)
(esh-latex-add-inline-verb "@python \\verb" 'python-mode)


Get rid of inputenc, fontenc, babel, etc:

(with-eval-after-load 'org
 (setq org-latex-default-packages-alist
       '(("AUTO" "polyglossia" t)
         ("" "fontspec" t)
         ("" "fixltx2e" nil)
         ("" "graphicx" t)
         ("" "grffile" t)
         ("" "longtable" nil)
         ("" "wrapfig" nil)
         ("" "rotating" nil)
         ("normalem" "ulem" t)
         ("" "amsmath" t)
         ("" "textcomp" t)
         ("" "amssymb" t)
         ("" "capt-of" nil)
         ("" "hyperref" nil))))

Full example

#+LATEX_HEADER: \input{esh-preamble}

* Code blocks

  Here's a block of code:

  #+LATEX: %% ESH: c++
  #+BEGIN_SRC c++
  int main() {
    return 0;

* Inline code

  This is an example of C++ code: (c++) ~int main() { return 0; }~.
  This, on the other hand, is Python: (python) ~def main(): return 0~.

# Local Variables:
# org-latex-listings: nil
# End:


There's some code to automate this in esh-org.el.