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File metadata and controls

146 lines (112 loc) · 4.67 KB

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The stack offers a way for applications to be notified in real-time of what happens on the server via a websocket connection.

We start with a normal websocket handshake.

Websockets include a protocol description in handshake, the protocol described below is hereby named io.cozy.websocket.

Changes to the websocket protocol should be given versions, support for older version should be maintained when reasonable.

GET /realtime/ HTTP/1.1
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Origin: http:
Sec-WebSocket-Key: x3JrandomLkh9GBhXDw==
Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: io.cozy.websocket
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

Then messages are sent using json:

client > {"method": "AUTH",
          "payload": "xxAppOrAuthTokenxx="}
client > {"method": "SUBSCRIBE",
          "payload": {"type": "io.cozy.files"}}
client > {"method": "SUBSCRIBE",
          "payload": {"type": "io.cozy.contacts"}}
server > {"event": "UPDATED",
          "payload": {"id": "idA", "rev": "2-705...", "type": "io.cozy.contacts", "doc": {embeded doc ...}}}
server > {"event": "DELETED",
          "payload": {"id": "idA", "rev": "3-541...", "type": "io.cozy.contacts"}}
client > {"method": "UNSUBSCRIBE",
          "payload": {"type": "io.cozy.contacts"}}
server > {"event": "UPDATED",
          "payload": {"id": "idB", "rev": "6-457...", "type": "io.cozy.files", "doc": {embeded doc ...}}}


It must be the first command to be sent. The client gives its token with this command, and the stack will use it to know which are the permissions of the app.

{"method": "AUTH", "payload": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJhcHAiLCJpYXQiOjE0OTg4MTY1OTEsImlzcyI6ImNvenkudG9vbHM6ODA4MCIsInN1YiI6Im1pbmkifQ.eH9DhoHz7rg8gR7noAiKfeo8eL3Q_PzyuskO_x3T8Hlh9q_IV-4zqoGtjTiO7luD6_VcLboEU-6o3XBek84VTg"}


A client can send a SUBSCRIBE request to be notified of changes. The payload is a selector for the events it wishes to receive For now the only possible selector is on type & optionally id.

{"method": "SUBSCRIBE", "payload": {"type": "[desired doctype]"}}
{"method": "SUBSCRIBE", "payload": {"type": "[desired doctype]", "id": "idA"}}

In order to subscribe, a client must have permission GET on the passed selector. Otherwise an error is passed in the message feed.

server > {"event": "error",
          "payload": {
            "status": "403 Forbidden"
            "code": "forbidden"
            "title":"The Application can't subscribe to io.cozy.files"
            "source": {"method": "SUBSCRIBE", "payload": {"type":"io.cozy.files"} }


A client can send an UNSUBSCRIBE request to no longer be notified of changes from a previous request.

{"method": "UNSUBSCRIBE", "payload": {"type": "[desired doctype]"}}
{"method": "UNSUBSCRIBE", "payload": {"type": "[desired doctype]", "id": "idA"}}

Response messages

A message sent by the server after a subscribe will be a JSON object with two keys at root: event and payload. event will be one of CREATED, UPDATED, DELETED (when a document is written in CouchDB), NOTIFIED (see below), or error. The payload will be a map with type, id, and doc. The payload can also contain an optional old with the old values for the document in case of UPDATED or DELETED.

Synthetic types

The stack an inject some synthetic events for documents that are not persisted in CouchDB like classical doctypes:

POST /realtime/:doctype/:id

This route can be used to send documents in the real-time without having to persist them in CouchDB (and they can't be used for triggers).

A permission on POST for the document :doctype/:id is required to use this endpoint.


POST /realtime/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
  "subtype": "progress",
  "imported": 10,
  "total": 42


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content


server > {"event": "NOTIFIED",
          "payload": {"id": "2c577f00-145a-0138-f569-543d7eb8149c",
                      "type": "",
                      "doc": {"subtype": "progress",
                              "imported": 10,
                              "total": 42}}}