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A fast, responsive, multipurpose and feature-rich Hugo theme.
A super simple solution to basic SPA routing in a vanilla JS web app.
An extended table to integration with some of the most widely used CSS frameworks. (Supports Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Bulma, Material Design, Foundation, Vue.js)
Git with a cup of tea! Painless self-hosted all-in-one software development service, including Git hosting, code review, team collaboration, package registry and CI/CD
Modern JavaScript Tutorial
Data retention /cleanup script for mattermost
SBS3 — A sample SAML 2.0 Service Provider built on Spring Boot.
hishamhm / usercount
Forked from josefkenny/usercountUser statistics bot for Mastodon
Heimdall is a cross-platform open-source tool suite used to flash firmware (aka ROMs) onto Samsung Galaxy devices.
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.