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Docker configuration file for the Turbinia worker

This Docker configuration is for building Turbinia worker and server images to be run on GCP (with Terraform) or in a Hybrid local/GCP setup.

Build the image

docker build -t turbinia-server:dev .

Base64 encode turbinia.conf

base64 -w 0 turbinia.conf > turbinia.conf.b64

-w 0 will output without column wrapping (not needed on OSX).

Hybrid GCP - setup credentials

Create a service account with the correct scope by following the instructions here and download the credentials to ./gcp/creds.json

Run the worker

docker run -ti \
-v $PWD/gcp:/home/turbinia/gcp \
-e GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/home/turbinia/gcp/creds.json \
-e TURBINIA_CONF=`cat turbinia.conf.b64` \