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A novel CFG complete general parsing algorithm implementation


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cfg.js is a general context free grammar (CFG) parser based on a novel chart parsing algorithm. In this package, you can find the algorithm specification and its javascript implementation.

package specifics

Input to the parser is consisted of JSON array representing a grammar, and a string to parse by that grammar. On parsing error, error position and expected symbols are reported, including the whole parsing chart before the error position. On parsing success, an abstract syntax tree (AST), an s-expression representing the tree, and the complete parsing chart is returned. In an ambiguous parsing case (parsing forest), only the first successful tree is stored in returned AST and s-expression properties, but within the chart property, the whole forest is returned in terms of chart parser.

testing grammars online

To test any grammar, online parser playground is provided. Edit a grammar, edit a text to parse, and click on the parse button to examine s-expression and AST output. Also, several simplified grammar examples are offered to be loaded in the playground interface.

using parser in javascript code

Include src/cfg.js (that's the only file you need from this library) in your javascript code and use the parser like in the following code:

var grammar = [
    [[    "<start>"], ["<sum>"                          ]],
    [[      "<sum>"], ["<fact>", "+", "<sum>"           ]],
    [[      "<sum>"], ["<fact>", "-", "<sum>"           ]],
    [[      "<sum>"], ["<fact>"                         ]],
    [[     "<fact>"], ["<primary>", "*", "<fact>"       ]],
    [[     "<fact>"], ["<primary>", "/", "<fact>"       ]],
    [[     "<fact>"], ["<primary>"                      ]],
    [[  "<primary>"], ["/\\s*/", "<alternate>", "/\\s*/"]],
    [["<alternate>"], ["/[0-9]+/"                       ]],
    [["<alternate>"], ["(", "<sum>", ")"                ]]

var text = "1 + 2 * (3 / 4 - 5)";

var parsed = parser.parse(grammar, text);

The above is an example of parsing a simple math expression. Adjust the grammar rules to fit your requirements. The left sides of the grammar are production rule names, while the right sides are rule bodies. Grammars are required to have at least one <start> rule that represents the top of the parsed AST. Production rule names are enclosed within < and > pairs, while regex-es are enclosed within pairs of / symbols. Every other expression is considered as literal. To specify an empty production, please use an empty string like in [["<empty-production>"], [""]].

special characters in literals

Internally, grammar literals are passed through standard JSON.parse('"' + ... + '"') javascript call. This means that to use " character in a literal, we may use escape sequence \\\". Likewise, if we want to use < or / as the first character of a literal, we may use unicode escape sequences like \\u003C or \\u002F, respectively. The unusual number of \ characters in escape sequences is due to JSON string literals nature, as we utilize JSON native format to specify grammars. Note that also, because of this, all grammar literals must be enclosed not in single, but in double quotes despite the fact that javascript also allows writing string literals enclosed in single quotes. What we get in return is possibility of using < and / as the first characters of literals without confusing them with rule names or regex-es.


The v-parse-cfg algorithm and its code in this package are licensed under MIT license.


A novel CFG complete general parsing algorithm implementation





