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A Kubernetes operator to sync secrets from AWS Secrets Manager


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Kube-secret-syncer is a Kubernetes operator developed using the Kubebuilder framework that keeps the values of Kubernetes Secrets synchronised to secrets in AWS Secrets Manager.

This mapping is described in a Kubernetes custom resource called SyncedSecret. The operator polls AWS for changes in secret values at regular intervals, and upon detecting changes, updates the Kubernetes Secrets.

WARNING: updating the value of a secret in AWS SecretsManager will override secrets in Kubernetes, therefore can be a destructive action.

Comparison to existing projects

Kube-secret-syncer is similar to other projects such as:

Kube-secret-syncer improves on this approach:

  • uses caching to only retrieve the value of secrets when they have changed, substantially reducing costs when syncing a large number of secrets.
  • enables sophisticated access control to secrets in AWS SecretsManager using IAM roles - see our security model
  • supports templated fields for Kubernetes secrets - enabling the use of values from multiple AWS SecretsManager secrets in one Kubernetes Secret

Defining mapping between an AWS SecretsManager secret and a Kubernetes Secret

The following resource will map the AWS Secret secretsyncer/secret/sample to the Kubernetes Secret demo-service-secret, and copy all key-value pairs from the AWS SecretsManager secret to the Kubernetes secret For this example, the AWS SecretsManager secret needs to be a valid JSON consisting only of key-value pairs.

To access the secrets, kube-secret-syncer will assume the role iam_role to poll the secret. Note: that role must be assumed by the Kubernetes cluster/node where the operator runs, eg part of the kube2iam annotation on the namespace.

kind: SyncedSecret
  name: demo-service-secret
  namespace: kube-secret-syncer
  IAMRole: iam_role
      name: secretsyncer/secret/sample

If you only need to retrieve select keys in a single AWS secret, or multiple keys from different AWS secrets, you can use the following syntax:

kind: SyncedSecret
  name: demo-service-secret
  namespace: kube-secret-syncer
  IAMRole: iam_role
    # Sets the key mysql_user for the Kubernetes Secret "demo-service-secret" to "contentful"
    - name: mysql_user
      value: "contentful"
    # Takes the value for key "password" from the Secrets Manager secret "mysql", assign to the
    # key "mysql_pw" of the Kubernetes secret "demo-service-secret"
    - name: mysql_pw
          name: mysql
          key: password
    - name: datadog_access_key
          name: datadog
          key: access_key

You can also chose to store non-JSON values in AWS Secret Manager, which might be more convenient for data such as certificates.

kind: SyncedSecret
  name: demo-service-secret
  namespace: kube-secret-syncer
  IAMRole: iam_role
    # Sets the key ssl-certificate for the Kubernetes Secret "demo-service-secret"
    # to the value of the secret "apache/ssl-cert"
    - name: ssl-certificate
          name: apache/ssl-cert

Kube-secret-syncer supports templated fields. This allows, for example, to iterate over a list of secrets that share the same tag, to output a configuration file, such as in the following example:

kind: SyncedSecret
  name: pgbouncer.txt
  namespace: kube-secret-syncer
  IAMRole: iam_role
    - name: pgbouncer-hosts
        template: |
          {{- $cfg := "" -}}
          {{- range $secretID, $_ := filterByTagKey .Secrets "tag1" -}}
            {{- $secretValue := getSecretValueMap $secretID -}}
            {{- $cfg = printf "%shost=%s user=%s password=%s\n" $cfg $ $secretValue.user $secretValue.password -}}
          {{- end -}}
          {{- $cfg -}}

This iterates over all secrets kube-secret-syncer has access to, select those that have the tag "tag1" set, and for each of these, add a configuration line to $cfg. $cfg is then assigned to the key "pgbouncer-hosts" of the Kubernetes secret pgbouncer.txt.

The template is a Go template with the following elements defined:

  • .Secrets - a map containing all listed secrets (without their value)
  • filterByTagKey - a helper function to filter the secrets by tag
  • getSecretValue - will retrieve the raw value of a Secret in SecretsManager, given its secret ID
  • getSecretValueMap - will retrieve the value of a Secret in SecretsManager that contains a JSON, given its secret ID - as a map

Kube-secret-syncer maintains both the list of AWS Secrets as well as their values in cache. The list is updated every POLL_INTERVAL_SEC, and values are retrieved whenever their VersionID changed.

By default, kube-secret-syncer will use the Kubernetes node's IAM role to list and retrieve the secrets. However, when synced secrets have an IAMRole field defined, kube-secret-syncer will assume that role before retrieving the secret. This implies that the role specified by IAMRole can be assumed by the role of the Kubernetes node kube-secret-syncer runs on.

To ensure a specific namespace only has access to the secrets it needs to, kube-secret-syncer will use the "" annotation on the namespace (originally used by kube2iam) to validate that this role can be assumed for that namespace.

The secret synchronisation will be allowed if:

  • the annotation is set on the namespace and contains the secrets IAMRole
  • no annotation is set on the namespace and the secret has a IAMRole set
  • no annotation is set on the namespace and the secret has no IAMRole set

The secret sync will be denied if:

  • the annotation is set on the namespace and does not contains the secrets IAMRole
  • the annotation is set on the namespace and the secret has no IAMRole set


Kube-secret-syncer supports the following environment variables:

  • POLL_INTERVAL_SEC: how often the list of secrets in cache is refreshed (default: 300)
  • SYNC_INTERVAL_SEC: how often we will write to a Kubernetes secret (default: 120)
  • NS_ANNOTATION: the annotation on the namespace that contains a list of IAM roles kube-secret-syncer is allowed to assume (default:
  • METRICS_LISTEN: what interface/port the metrics server shoult listen on (default: :8080)

Note - when a secret in Secrets Manager is updated, the secret in Kubernetes will not be updated until both the list of secrets is refreshed AND the sync_interval expires - therefore it might take up to POLL_INTERVAL_SEC + SYNC_INTERVAL_SEC.

Local development

Please refer to the local development documentation.


See sample configurations and deployment example.