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TaskScheduler/Operational Log

The TaskScheduler/Operational event log channel provides detailed tracing of scheduled tasks on an endpoint.

Behavioral Indications

  • Behavioral - Persistence (TA0003)
  • Behavioral - Lateral Movement (TA0008)

Analysis Value

  • Execution - Command Line Options
  • Execution - First Executed
  • Execution - Last Executed
  • Execution - Evidence of Execution
  • Execution - Time
  • File - Path
  • Network Activity - Source Identification

Operating System Availability

  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2008 R2

Artifact Location(s)

  • %SystemRoot%\System32\Winevt\Logs\Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler%4Operational.evtx

Artifact Interpretation

The following event IDs are useful to hunt for persistent implants on an endpoint:

Event ID Description Information
106 Scheduled Task Created Origin Account/User
140 Scheduled Task Updated Origin Account/User
141 Scheduled Task Deleted Origin Account/User
200 Scheduled Task Executed Executable file path
201 Scheduled Task Execution Completed Executable file path

This activity is also logged in the Security channel with more granular information, as follows:

Event ID Description
4698 Scheduled Task Created
4702 Scheduled Task Updated
4699 Scheduled Task Deleted


Logging for these events is disabled by default and must be enabled to provide these artifacts.

Analysis Tips

Deleted Scheduled Tasks

Scheduled task deletion is a rare event on Windows systems and provides an easy to query, high-fidelity indicator of suspicious activity. The following event IDs may be queried:

  • Windows-TaskScheduler\Operational Event 141: Scheduled Task Deleted
  • Security Event 4699: Scheduled Task Deleted

Software Installation/Uninstallation

When applications are installed on a Windows system, they will sometimes create a scheduled task to run their update functionality, making the Task Scheduler Operational log a possible option for cross-validation of other application installation artifacts such as the Uninstall registry key.

Lateral Movement through Remote Scheduled Task Installation

In the event that tasks are remotely scheduled, as is commonly seen during lateral movement attempts, this activity may be identified by observing Type 3 logons via 4624: An account was successfully logged on events in close proximity to task creation.