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  • update your Comet installation
pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade comet_ml
pip3 install --no-cache-dir --upgrade comet_ml

Getting started with Comet

    pip3 install comet_ml
    pip install comet_ml
  • import Comet: code
#make sure comet_ml is the first import (before all other Machine learning lib)
from comet_ml import Experiment
  • create an Experiment: code
# initiate an Experiment with your api key from
experiment = Experiment(api_key="YOUR-API-KEY", project_name='my project')
  • report hyper params: code
hyper_params = {"learning_rate": 0.5, "steps": 100000, "batch_size": 50}
  • report dataset hash: code
mnist = input_data.read_data_sets("/tmp/tensorflow/mnist/input_data/", one_hot=True)
  • report loss, accuracy and steps: code
        for i in range(hyper_params["steps"]):
            batch = mnist.train.next_batch(hyper_params["batch_size"])
            # Compute train accuracy every 10 steps
            if i % 10 == 0:
                train_accuracy = accuracy.eval(feed_dict={x: batch[0], y_: batch[1]})
                print('step %d, training accuracy %g' % (i, train_accuracy))
                experiment.log_metric("acc", train_accuracy)

            # Update weights (back propagation)
            loss ={x: batch[0], y_: batch[1]})
  • run your code as usual and view results

  • see full code example at: link

Running Distributed Training

The distributed training examples will require a multi-GPU machine and have been tested with tensorflow-gpu==1.15.4 and tensorflow-extimator=1.15.1.

Mirrored Worker strategy example

You can start the MirroredWorker strategy example with the following command, it will automatically uses all available GPU and you only need to launch the command once:


MultiWorkerMirrored Estimator strategy example

To start the MultiWorkerMirrored strategy with TF Estimator we will need to start a chief process, an evaluator process and a worker process. We will also need to supply a run_id for the training run so that metrics from each process can be logged to a single experiment. The run_id is a string that is hashed to compute the Experiment ID. We also recommend allocating a single GPU to each process used in this example. This can be done by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES envrionment variable to the appropriate GPU ID. For example, export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 will only allow the process to access GPU ID 0.

Note: You will need to start the evaluator process before starting the chief and worker process.

The following command will start a evaluator process on localhost:8002 with task_index == 0.

python --chief_host localhost:8000 --worker_hosts localhost:8001 --eval_hosts localhost:8002 --task_index 0 --task_type evaluator --run_id <your run id>

The following command will start a chief process on localhost:8000 with task_index == 0.

python --chief_host localhost:8000 --worker_hosts localhost:8001 --eval_hosts localhost:8003 --task_index 0 --task_type chief --run_id <your run id>

The following command will start a worker process on localhost:8001 with task_index == 0.

python --chief_host localhost:8000 --worker_hosts localhost:8001 --eval_hosts localhost:8003 --task_index 0 --task_type worker --run_id <your run id>

Parameter Server Strategy example

When running the TF1 parameter server strategy example, we recommend allocating a single GPU to each process. This can be done by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES envrionment variable to the appropriate GPU ID. For example, export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 will only allow the process to access GPU ID 0.

Once you have done this, the following commands will start a parameter server on localhost:8000 and two workers on ports localhost:8001 and localhost:8002

Start the Parameter Server

python --worker_hosts localhost:8001,localhost:8002 --ps_hosts localhost:8000 --run_id 0 --task_type ps --task_index 0

Start the workers in different terminals

Worker 0

python --worker_hosts localhost:8001,localhost:8002 --ps_hosts localhost:8000 --run_id 0 --task_type worker --task_index 0

Worker 1

python --worker_hosts localhost:8001,localhost:8002 --ps_hosts localhost:8000 --run_id 0 --task_type worker --task_index 1