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Delayed job command details

ldnunes edited this page Aug 16, 2011 · 5 revisions

Here is the command line detailed help :

Usage: script/delayed_jobs [options] start|stop|restart|run
 -h, --help : Show this message
    The -e/--environment option has been deprecated and has no effect.
    Use RAILS_ENV and see http:
--min-priority N : Minimum priority of jobs to run.
--max-priority N : Maximum priority of jobs to run.
-n, --number_of_workers=workers : Number of unique workers to spawn
--pid-dir=DIR : Specifies an alternate directory in which to store the process ids.
-i, --identifier=n : A numeric identifier for the worker.
-m, --monitor : Start monitor process.
--sleep-delay N : Amount of time to sleep when no jobs are found
-p, --prefix NAME : String to be prefixed to worker process names

Example :

# Runs two workers in separate processes.
RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job -n 2 start
RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job stop

(more examples to come)


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