Application used to support a Campus Codefest. Events which are not quite hackathons, not quite educational but fall somewhere in between. The concept of a Campus Codefest originated at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities in 2013. Some of the environmental challenges at the University included decentralized IT function, lack of paid time developing practical applications and ideas with cross cutting concerns.
The purpose of making this application is to make planning a Campus Codefest easier. This does not have to be a custom built application if enough functionality can be found in a practical application. If custom code is required, the goal is to provide this code to other organizations, likely in Higher Education, wishing to perform similiar events.
- Ruby >= 2.0.0
- rubygems (or RVM, rbenv)
- Git
- Bower
- MySQL Client Development Libraries
- SQLite Development Libaries
- ImageMagick Development Libraries
It is highly recommended that you use a Ruby version manager, such as RVM or rbenv. If you do use a Ruby version manager, install the version of Ruby set in .ruby-version.
sudo apt-get install git npm libmysqlclient-dev libsqlite3-dev libmagickcore-6.q16-dev libmagickwand-6-headers
sudo npm install bower -g
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
export PATH="/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ImageMagick-6.8.9/bin-Q16:$PATH"
Note that ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick/rmagick is a bit of a mess in 2015. This is why we are temporarily modifying the PATH.
Clone the repository to your local dev environment.
[email protected]:campuscodefest/ccf.git
Bundling will take a LONG time as I require therubyracer to compile less. If you are using RVM, I recommend isolating the gems by creating a gemset (%rvm gemset create ccf) then focus on it (%rvm gemset use ccf)
cd ccf
We use Omniauth to support Google account login. You must generate an OAuth 2.0 API key via Google Developer Console (, more instructions can be found here: . Once this is done, copy the example config.yml file and enter your api key and secret to the provider section.
Note: this application rquires a wildcard domain setting. If you simply want to set-up authentication for your local
development instance of the ccf app, you simply use the domain
instead of https://localhost in your
google development console. The is a domain that was registered as a convenience for developers and
resolves to for all requests to and subdomains thereof.
For local development, the Omniauth 'developer' provider is enabled and allows you to log in without setting up any
other provider API keys. Add
to /etc/hosts
to work offline.
cp config/config.yml.example config/config.yml
Set-up your development data base, I am using mysql locally but included an example SQLite DB config for lowest overhead
bundle exec rake setup
Compile the required JavaScript assets.
bundle exec rake bower:install
This is a Test-Driven Development project. Your code should be speced and covered with rspec and capybara. Create a failing test then implement the code to make it pass for models. Feature tests should be created with capybara.
bundle exec rspec
Firing up the server, then browse to
rails s
Phase One (completed)
- Google Account OAuth2 (UMN has Google Apps for Education) via OmniAuth
- Event, Project, User Administration/Moderation
- Project idea Submission, voting, rating, commenting
- Event registration
- General CCF marketing/information
Phase Two (Not planned)
- Support project merging
- Automate creation of project repositories in University GitHub Instance
- ???
Phase Three
- Profit