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311 app

We want to build something better than the default Socrata 311 site: http:

Here are some vague user stories explaining the main features:

As a citizen,

  • I want to lookup info about my 311 request (by entering a reference # received from 311 or searching my previous history).
  • I want to visualize ticket types with bar charts (counts) and pie graphs (percentage).
  • I want to visualize the data on a map around me and filter and sort by ticket type, open/closed, date range.
  • I want to browse curated datasets before exploring the data myself (maybe showing less data that's more recent data will be useful; maybe by sharing my location, I can see more relevant data on a map zoomed to my address).
  • I want to see open requests near me.
  • I want to submit issues that integrate with the City's system (the city 311 system can notify the user).
  • I want the ability to choose the amount of information to share about myself (email required to submit ticket?)

Other nice to have features:

  • Commenting and upvoting on issues nearby me
  • Get notified about issues created by others (star/follow)
  • See filter of all issues a user has submitted (email required)
  • Map feature: Request per district (styled where color gets darker for more requests)
  • Frequency: analyze the frequency of 311 incidents (median time, types that stay open the longest, etc)

database setup

First you need to install PostgreSQL and PostGIS.

Once those are available, you can run the script:


If you are loading the data into a remote database, use environment variables to tell the script where to load:

DB_USER=nola311 DB_NAME=nola311 ./

some sample queries

Login to the db with psql psql -h localhost -U nola311 and run some queries:

-- what are the top issues that people call about?
select issue_type, count(*) as num_calls from nola311.calls group by issue_type order by num_calls desc;

-- which council district has the most calls?
select council_district, count(*) as num_calls from nola311.calls group by council_district order by num_calls desc;

-- how many pothole calls have been opened and closed this year?
select ticket_status, count(*) as total from nola311.calls where issue_type = 'Pothole/Roadway Surface Repair' and ticket_created_date_time >= '2017-01-01'::date group by ticket_status;

--- dont forget to checkout the views 

select * from open_tickets_stats where issue_type = 'Catch Basin Maintenance' and year_created = '2017';