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Pre-Work - Code 401

This is the mandatory pre-work for this course, which counts as 5% of your total course grade. When this course nears its start date, you will be invited to an online portal named Canvas where you can confirm that you've completed this pre-work and claim credit.

Start on the pre-work as soon as you can and be sure to allow yourself plenty of time to complete it. Allow yourself more time than you think you will need so that you can take breaks and not get overwhelmed.

Below is the suggested order in which you complete the pre-work. Feel free to jump around, but be aware that some content in the earlier pre-work will help you complete some of the later tasks.

Note: All pre-work assignments can be found in your LMS and are due before start of first class

Computer and Systems Set Up

Practice Assignments

You do not need to do a lot of work every day. Spread it out evenly to do a bit every day before the first day of class. Do not let a day go by without spending your time practicing.

Career Coaching Pre-work

In addition to coding, Career Coaching is vital for developers to be successful. As developers, we should be taking our professional development just as seriously as our coding projects that we work on. The better we get at marketing and branding ourselves, the more natural finding new positions within our community will be. Within Canvas, there is a section for Career Coaching. Please review the posted assignments and their due dates, and be sure to complete them before the posted due dates. Career Coaching assignments will always be treated like regular assignments and should be considered with just as much importance as lab and coding challenges.

Readings and Videos

Here are some inspirational reading/viewing that will help get you in the right frame of mind for tackling your 401 course of study and getting ready to start on your career. Enjoy these as you prepare to take the next steps in your journey and begin to face larger and more complex issues in your labs.

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