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Mid-Term Projects

Core Requirements

  • Use any, all, most, or none of what you learned ...
    • Make sure it works great
    • Make sure it's covered in tests
    • Make sure it has no UI -- this should be a back-end project only
    • Your may build a back-end for your final project (upon instructor approval)

Tools At Your Disposal

  • Express Custom API Server
  • Authentication, Authorization, RBAC
  • Remote APIs
  • SQL
  • MongoDB
  • ... or teach yourself something totally new this week!


  • To manage Tasks ...

  • To Manage and Deploy Code

    • SCM: Use the strict Git Workflow
    • Deployment:
      • Local dev/feature branches
        • One Branch Per Feature
      • Staging (Pre-Production) Branch
      • Master (Production) Branch
    • Developers work locally in feature branches
    • Check-in and merge PRs against stage
    • Deploy stage to a pre-production cloud service (AWS, Azure, etc)
    • Once verified, PR stage against master and deploy to production server
    • Protect master from direct check-ins
    • Only Leads (TAs) can merge from Stage to Master
    • Testing: Hook in GitHub Actions for live code testing
    • Automation: Automate your deployment from Stage and Master to your service of choice.

Development Schedule

Class 20 (Project Planning)

  • Create your GitHub organization
    • Back-End Repo
    • Front-End Repo
    • Other Repo's for supporting services
  • Deploy a simple "Hello World" server through your full pipeline
    • Stage and Production of all servers
    • Tests hooked up and passing
  • Get your project board setup with your initial stories
    • At this stage, its's probably just stories to write more stories...
  • Get your Wiki setup for documentation

Class 21 (Project Start)

  • Wireframes Complete
  • User workflows finalized
  • Initial design planned
  • Code

Class 22 (Core MVP)

  • First MVP should be completed by EOD
  • Your core functionality should be working end to end.
    • Databases Hooked up and saving
    • User workflow works (navigation, actions)

Class 23 (Final MVP)

  • Adding Non-Breaking Features
  • Final "MVP" should be complete
    • Whatever you have by EOD should be presentation ready
    • Anything you add from this point on is purely additive.

Class 24

  • Final Polish
  • Presentation Practice

Class 25 (Presentation Day)

  • Eat.
  • Drink.
  • Present.
  • Win.


  • Prepare a Powerpoint Style "deck" to present your project
  • Slide 1: Team Name and Logo
  • Slide 2: Summary of the project
  • One slide for each team member.
    • Picture, 2-3 bullet points about you
    • Introduce yourself, touch on your role in the team, and present your personal pitch.
  • Slide: Describe your problem domain in more bullet points
  • Slide: Sell your solution
  • Move to a stellar demo of the working application
  • Show Your Tests
  • Slide: Detail your workflow and process
  • Slide: Highlight your wins
  • Slide: Highlight areas for growth
  • Questions and Answers

Why a deck? It's a helpful tool to keep you on time and on focus. Also, you will spend a lot of time in dev jobs speaking in front of a deck, so this is good practice for that. Know what's on screen behind you and prepare to speak in what appears to be an 'ad-hoc' fashion in front of it.

Sample Presentation Deck

Tips and Tricks

  • Solve a real business or community problem
  • Deliver something desirable (make it rock!)
  • Don't over-complicate. Sometimes, the simplest solution can be the most scalable and stable. Favor stability and tightness over wizardry

Project Ideas

  • Re-Implement our authenticated API in an AWS Serverless Environment
    • Or in Azure
    • Or at Auth0
  • Create an installable, downloadable npm package of value to other developers
    • Algorithms, OAuth, Queueing, etc.
    • Middleware
    • Helper Libraries or Utilities
  • Any sort of automation tool for a student, instructor, or the school
    • Class Creator
    • Assignment Linter
  • Github Tools
  • Implement OAuth from the other side (be a provider)
  • Text based games
  • Dev-Ops style automation (deployments, AWS configs, etc)
  • Dockerizations
  • AI or Machine Learning Utility
  • Anything you can think of with a Raspberry Pi
    • Motion Detect
    • Camera
    • Environment
    • API Fetching
    • Automation