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Pulsar Exporter

Stability alpha
Supported pipeline types traces, logs, metrics
Distributions contrib

Pulsar exporter exports logs, metrics, and traces to Pulsar. This exporter uses a synchronous producer that blocks and able to batch messages.

Supported pipeline types: logs, metrics, traces

Get Started

The following settings can be optionally configured:

  • endpoint (default = pulsar:https://localhost:6650): The url of pulsar cluster.
  • topic (default = otlp_spans for traces, otlp_metrics for metrics, otlp_logs for logs): The name of the pulsar topic to export to.
  • encoding (default = otlp_proto): The encoding of the traces sent to pulsar. All available encodings:
    • otlp_proto: payload is Protobuf serialized from ExportTraceServiceRequest if set as a traces exporter or ExportMetricsServiceRequest for metrics or ExportLogsServiceRequest for logs.
    • otlp_json: ** EXPERIMENTAL ** payload is JSON serialized from ExportTraceServiceRequest if set as a traces exporter or ExportMetricsServiceRequest for metrics or ExportLogsServiceRequest for logs.
    • The following encodings are valid only for traces.
      • jaeger_proto: the payload is serialized to a single Jaeger proto Span, and keyed by TraceID.
      • jaeger_json: the payload is serialized to a single Jaeger JSON Span using jsonpb, and keyed by TraceID.
  • auth
    • tls
      • cert_file:
      • key_file:
    • token
      • token
    • oauth2
      • issuer_url:
      • client_id:
      • audience:
    • athenz
      • provider_domain:
      • tenant_domain:
      • tenant_service:
      • private_key:
      • key_id:
      • principal_header:
      • zts_url:
  • tls_trust_certs_file_path: path to the CA cert. For a client this verifies the server certificate. Should only be used if insecure is set to true.
  • tls_allow_insecure_connection: configure whether the Pulsar client accept untrusted TLS certificate from broker (default: false)
  • timeout: send pulsar message timeout (default: 5s)
  • retry_on_failure
    • enabled (default = true)
    • initial_interval (default = 5s): Time to wait after the first failure before retrying; ignored if enabled is false
    • max_interval (default = 30s): Is the upper bound on backoff; ignored if enabled is false
    • max_elapsed_time (default = 120s): Is the maximum amount of time spent trying to send a batch; ignored if enabled is false
  • sending_queue
    • enabled (default = true)
    • num_consumers (default = 10): Number of consumers that dequeue batches; ignored if enabled is false
    • queue_size (default = 5000): Maximum number of batches kept in memory before dropping data; ignored if enabled is false; User should calculate this as num_seconds * requests_per_second where:
      • num_seconds is the number of seconds to buffer in case of a backend outage
      • requests_per_second is the average number of requests per seconds.

Example configuration:

    service_url: pulsar:https://localhost:6650
    topic: otlp-spans
    encoding: otlp_proto
        cert_file: cert.pem
        key_file: key.pem
    timeout: 10s
    tls_allow_insecure_connection: false
    tls_trust_certs_file_path: ca.pem