library(shiny) library(shinythemes) library(shinycssloaders) library(data.table) library(tools) library(openxlsx) library(sf) library(lubridate) library(ggplot2) library(plotly) library(viridis) library(parsedate) library(sfnetworks) ui <- fluidPage( theme=shinytheme('cosmo'), titlePanel("Fluvial Transport App"), sidebarLayout( sidebarPanel( # Explanatory text using HTML HTML("

This app calculates the distance moved for each subsequent survey date and the total distance moved in meters.

Store all data in one folder and enter the path to this folder. Do not include quotation marks in the path name.

Files may be a combination of .csv or .xlsx. A .shp centerline must be included as well.

Specify the coordinate reference system. The default is WGS84 UTM Zone 18N. Dates must be real.

After processing, results in the table can be downloaded. Processing times are long for many files.

"), textInput("folder_path", "Enter Folder Path:", value = ""), textInput("crs", "Enter CRS:", value = "32618"), textInput("ID", "Enter ID Column", value= "Comment"), textInput("X", "Enter X Coordinate Column", value="Easting"), textInput("Y", "Enter Y Coordinate Column", value="Northing"), textInput("Date", "Enter Date Column", value="GPSTime"), actionButton("process_data", "Process Data"), downloadButton("download_transport", "Download Transport Table") # Add download button ), mainPanel( tabsetPanel( # Tab for displaying the output table tabPanel("Output Table", withSpinner(tableOutput("table"))), # Tab for displaying the plot tabPanel("Plot", withSpinner(plotlyOutput("plot"))) ) ) ) ) server <- function(input, output) { transport_data <- reactiveVal(NULL) plotly_obj <- reactiveVal(NULL) observeEvent(input$process_data, { # Get user inputs folder_path <- input$folder_path crs_string <- input$crs id_column <- input$ID x_column <- input$X y_column <- input$Y date_column <- input$Date # Ensure CRS is numeric value crs_string = as.numeric(crs_string) # Function to list files in folder list_full = function(folder_path){ csv_files <<- list.files(folder_path, pattern='csv', full.names=T) xlsx_files <<- list.files(folder_path, pattern='xlsx', full.names=T) shapefiles <<- list.files(folder_path, pattern='shp', full.names=T) } #Call function to list files list_full(folder_path) # Function to read files in a folder files = lapply(csv_files, fread) Data = rbindlist(files,fill=T) # Include Excel files if (length(xlsx_files)>0) { excel = lapply(xlsx_files, read.xlsx) if(length(xlsx_files==1)) excel =,excel) excel = setDT(excel) if (length(xlsx_files)>1) { excel = rbindlist(excel) Data = rbind(Data,excel) } } # Test formatting date_check = function(data) { dates = as.character(substr(parse_date(data[,(strsplit(GPSTime,' '))]),start=1,stop=10)) pattern = "^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}$" results = ifelse(sapply(dates, grepl, pattern=pattern), 0, 1) if(c(1)%in%results){ stop("Error: Unable to interpret date format of at least one file.")} data = data[,Date:=as.character(substr(parse_date(data[,(strsplit(GPSTime,' '))]),start=1,stop=10))] } date_check(Data) # Read shapefile centerline = read_sf(shapefiles[endsWith(shapefiles,'shp')]) if(nrow(centerline)>1){ if(st_geometry_type(centerline)!='LINESTRING'){print('A continuos centerline mustbe supplied. The current centerline is conposed of discontinous segments.') stop()} else{centerline = st_line_merge(line_sf$geometry)} } if({centerline = st_set_crs(centerline, crs_string)} # Avoid variable call issues Data = Data[,ID:=get(id_column)] # Clean Data Data = Data[,c('Date',..y_column,..x_column,'ID')] # Determine repeat observations Data = Data[,count:=.N,by='ID'] # Function to get Survey Dates from column with date and time survey_dates = function (table) { surveys <<- unique(table$Date) } # Call survey date function survey_dates(Data) # Create sf object of Data Data = na.omit(Data) sf_Data <<- st_as_sf(Data,coords = c(x_column,y_column),crs=crs_string) if(st_crs(centerline)!=st_crs(sf_Data)){centerline = st_transform(centerline,crs_string)} # Snap tracers to centerline snap_point_to_line <- function(point, line) { nearest_points <- st_nearest_points(point, line) if (length(nearest_points) > 1) { length_test = function(points) { line_lengths = st_length(points) } shortest = which.min((lapply(nearest_points, length_test))) nearest_points = nearest_points[shortest] } nearest_points = st_cast(nearest_points,'POINT')[seq(2, 2, 2)] nearest_points_coordinates = st_coordinates(nearest_points) return(nearest_points_coordinates) } snapped_points = data.table() for (i in seq_along(sf_Data$geometry)) { point = try({ snap_point_to_line(sf_Data[i,'geometry'], line = st_zm(centerline)) }, silent = TRUE) snapped_points = rbind(snapped_points,point) } # lapply no longer works with sf object #snapped_points <- lapply(sf_Data$geometry, snap_point_to_line, line = st_zm(centerline)) table = snapped_points #table =,snapped_points) #table = table = st_as_sf(table,coords=c('X','Y'),crs=crs_string) # Add snapped_sf as a new column in the data.table Data = Data[, Location:=table] # Adjust table to output format adjust_table = function(data) { Movement = copy(data) Movement = Movement[,c('ID','Date','Location','count')] Movement = unique(Movement,by=c('ID','Date')) Movement = dcast(Movement,formula = ID ~ Date, value.var = 'Location', fun.aggregate = NULL) date_order = order(as.Date(surveys,format="%Y-%m-%d")) surveys = surveys[date_order] setcolorder(Movement,c('ID',surveys)) Movement <<- Movement } adjust_table(Data) # Define a function to calculate distances distance <- function(data) { Transport <- data.table() ID <- data[,"ID"] data <- data[, !'ID', with = FALSE] num_cols <- ncol(data) for (i in 1:(num_cols - 1)) { for (j in (i + 1):num_cols) { col1 <- st_as_sf(data[,..i]) col2 <- st_as_sf(data[,..j]) new_col_name <- paste0(names(data)[i], "_", names(data)[j], "_Distance") # Initialize an empty vector to store distances distances = data.table() # Calculate distances for all pairs of values in col1 and col2 for (k in 1:nrow(col1)) { #Networking function create_network = function(index){ network = as_sfnetwork(centerline, directed = FALSE) point1 = st_as_sfc(col1[index,1]) point2 = st_as_sfc(col2[index,1]) suppressWarnings({network = st_network_blend(network,point1) network = st_network_blend(network,point2)}) sublines = st_as_sf(activate(network,'edges')) length = st_length(sublines[2,'geometry']) return(length) } row = ifelse(st_is_empty(col1[k,1]) | st_is_empty(col2[k,1]), NA_real_,create_network(k)) distances = rbind(distances,row) } # Add the distances to the Transport table Transport[, (new_col_name) := distances] } } # Combine comment and Transport into a single table Transport <<- cbind(ID, Transport) } distance(Movement) Transport = Transport[,TotalDistance:=(,c(Transport[,-1],na.rm=T)))] transport_data(Transport) # Create the ggplot object river_map <- ggplot() + geom_sf(data = centerline) + geom_sf(data = sf_Data, aes(color = as.character(year(as.Date(Date))))) + scale_color_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "D") + labs(x = 'Easting (m)', y = 'Northing (m)', color = 'Year',title = 'Tracer Locations') + theme_bw()+theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle=45, vjust=1, hjust=1)) # Convert ggplot to a Plotly plot plotly_obj(ggplotly(river_map, width = 800, height = 600)) }) # For rendering a table, you can use: output$table <- renderTable({ transport_data() }) # Render the Plotly plot output$plot <- renderPlotly({ plotly_obj() }) # Define a download handler for the download button output$download_transport <- downloadHandler( filename = function() { paste("Transport_Table_", Sys.Date(), ".csv", sep = "") }, content = function(file) { write.csv(transport_data(), file) } ) } shinyApp(ui, server)