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Internal API Docs


CC's internal API is a patchwork of endpoints used by internal components. They evolved over time and were individually designed for specific purposes. We do not recommend using internal API endpoints for anything other than their intended purposes.


POST /internal/v3/staging/:staging_guid/droplet_completed

Description: (Deprecated) Legacy endpoint used to mark droplet staging as complete. Use POST /internal/v3/staging/:staging_guid/build_completed instead.

Intended Consumer: Diego staging task completion callback

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

POST /internal/v3/staging/:staging_guid/build_completed

Description: Marks build as completed or failed.

Intended Consumer: Diego staging task completion callback

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /internal/apps/:guid/ssh_access/:index

Description: Check if a user is able to ssh into a process container

Intended Consumer: SSH Proxy

Auth Mechanism: OAuth

GET /v2/buildpacks/:guid/download

Description: Download a buildpack file

Intended Consumer: ??? (Probably intended for Diego staging task, but it looks like they use direct download from the blobstore now)

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /staging/packages/:guid

Description: Download a package if the blobstore is local (NFS server mounted on the CC)

Intended Consumer: Diego staging task

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /staging/v3/droplets/:guid/download

Description: Download a droplet if the blobstore is local (NFS server mounted on the CC)

Intended Consumer: Diego running task or process

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /staging/v3/buildpack_cache/:stack/:app_guid/download

Description: Download buildpack cache for a given stack and app combination

Intended Consumer: Diego staging task

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /internal/v2/droplets/:guid/:droplet_checksum/download

Description: (Deprecated) Permalink for downloading a droplet. Use GET /internal/v4/droplets/:guid/:droplet_checksum/download instead.

Intended Consumer: Diego running task or process

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /internal/v4/droplets/:guid/:droplet_checksum/download

Description: Permalink for downloading a droplet.

Intended Consumer: Diego running task or process

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

POST /internal/v4/apps/:process_guid/crashed

Description: Create crash audit event for process

Intended Consumer: TPS Watcher

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /internal/v4/log_access/:app_guid

Description: Check if a user has access to the log stream for an app

Intended Consumer: Loggregator (scheduler and syslog-binding-cache)

Auth Mechanism: OAuth

PATCH /internal/v4/packages/:guid

Description: Marks package as uploaded

Intended Consumer: Bits Service

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /internal/v4/syslog_drain_urls

Description: Return list of syslog drain urls from logging services

Intended Consumer: Loggregator

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /internal/v5/syslog_drain_urls

Description: Return list of syslog drain urls from logging services. Intends to replace v4 version.

Intended Consumer: Loggregator

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

POST /internal/v4/tasks/:task_guid/completed

Description: Marks task as complete

Intended Consumer: Application task running on Diego cell

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

POST /internal/v4/droplets/:guid/upload

Description: Uploads droplet

Intended Consumer: CC Uploader

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /internal/v4/staging_jobs/:guid

Description: Returns progress of droplet upload job

Intended Consumer: CC Uploader

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

POST /internal/v4/buildpack_cache/:stack_name/:guid/upload

Description: Uploads buildpack cache for a stack name and app guid

Intended Consumer: CC Uploader

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

POST /internal/v4/metrics

Description: Returns CAPI metrics

Intended Consumer: Prom Scraper

Auth Mechanism: mTLS

GET /internal/v4/asg_latest_update

Description: Returns timestamp of the last Application Security Group update

Intended Consumer: Diego

Auth Mechanism: mTLS