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👅 CleverGo is a lightweight, feature rich and high performance HTTP router for Go.


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CleverGo is a lightweight, feature-rich and trie based high performance HTTP request router.



  • Date: 2020/03/13
  • CPU: 4 Core
  • RAM: 8G
  • Go: 1.14
  • Detail

Lower is better!



  • High Performance: see Benchmark shown above.
  • Reverse Route Generation: there are two ways to generate URL by a route: named route and matched route.
  • Route Group: as known as subrouter, see route group.
  • Friendly to APIs: it is easy to design RESTful APIs and versioning your APIs by route group.
  • Middleware: allow to plug middleware in route group or particular route, supports global middleware as well, see middleware exmaple.
  • Error Handler allow to custom error response, for example, display an error page.


GO111MODULE=on go get


package main

import (


func home(ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
	ctx.WriteString("hello world")
	return nil

func hello(ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
	ctx.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("hello %s", ctx.Params.String("name")))
	return nil

func main() {
	router := clevergo.NewRouter()
	router.Get("/", home)
	router.Get("/hello/:name", hello)
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", router)


There are some useful functions to retrieve the parameter value.

func (ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
	name := ctx.Params.String("name")
	page, err := ctx.Params.Int("page")
	num, err := ctx.Params.Int64("num")
	amount, err := ctx.Params.Uint64("amount")
	enable, err := ctx.Params.Bool("enable")
	price, err := ctx.Params.Float64("price")
	return err

Router.UseRawPath allows to match parameter that contains escaped slash %2f:

router.UseRawPath = true

Static Files

router.ServeFiles("/static/*filepath", http.Dir("/path/to/static"))

// sometimes, it is useful to treat http.FileServer as NotFoundHandler,
// such as "/favicon.ico".
router.NotFound = http.FileServer(http.Dir("public"))

Reverse Route Generation

queryPost := func (ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
	// generates URL by matched route.
	url, _ := ctx.Route.URL("year", "2020", "month", "02", "slug", "hello world")
	return nil

router.Get("/posts/:year/:month/:slug", queryPost, router.RouteName("post"))

// generates URL by named route.
url, _ := router.URL("post", "year", "2020", "month", "02", "slug", "hello world")

Error Handler

Error handler allow to custom error response.

type MyErrorHandler struct {
	Tmpl *template.Template

func (meh MyErrorHandler) Handle(ctx *clevergo.Context, err error) {
	// display an error page.
	if err := meh.Tmpl.Execute(ctx.Response, err); err != nil {
		ctx.Error(err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

router.ErrorHandler = MyErrorHandler{
	Tmpl: template.Must(template.New("error").Parse(`<html><body><h1>{{ .Error }}</h1></body></html>`)),


Middleware is a function func(next Handle) Handle.

Built-in middlewares:


// global middlewares.
serverHeader := func(next clevergo.Handle) clevergo.Handle {
	return func(ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
		// writes server header.
		ctx.Response.Header().Set("Server", "CleverGo")
		return next(ctx)
	// ...

authenticator := func(next clevergo.Handle) clevergo.Handle {
	return func(ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
		// authenticate returns an user instance and a boolean value indicates whether the provided credential is valid.
		if user, ok := authenticate(ctx); !ok {
			// returns an error if failed, in order to stop subsequent middlewares and handle.
			// you can also write response here, and return nil.
			return clevergo.NewError(http.StatusUnauthorized, http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized))

		// share data between middlewares and handle.
		ctx.WithValue("user", user)
		return next(ctx)

auth := func(ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
	ctx.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("hello %v", ctx.Value("user")))
	return nil

router.Get("/auth", auth, RouteMiddleware(
	// middleware for current route.

// use third-party global middleware, takes gorilla compress middleware as exmaple.
http.ListenAndServe(":8080", handlers.CompressHandler(router))

Middleware also can be used in route group, see Route Group for details.

Route Group

router := clevergo.NewRouter()

api := router.Group("/api", clevergo.RouteGroupMiddleware(
    // middlewares for APIs, such as CORS, authenticator, authorization

apiV1 := api.Group("/v1", clevergo.RouteGroupMiddleware(
    // middlewares for v1's APIs

apiV2 := api.Group("/v2", clevergo.RouteGroupMiddleware(
    // middlewares for v2's APIs


router.Get("/users", queryUsers)
router.Post("/users", createUser)
router.Get("/users/:id", queryUser)
router.Put("/users/:id", updateUser)
router.Delete("/users/:id", deleteUser)

See Route Group for versioning your APIs.

Determine Request Method

func (ctx *clevergo.Context) error {
	// equals to ctx.IsMethod(http.MethodGet).
	if ctx.IsGet() {

	// other shortcuts:
	return nil


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  • Fork and make a pull request.


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