/* Copyright (c) 2009 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. The copyrights embodied in the content of this file are licensed under the BSD (revised) open source license */ #include "cache.h" #include "unique_sort.h" using namespace std; size_t neg_1 = 1; size_t general = 2; char* run_len_decode(char *p, size_t& i) {// read an int 7 bits at a time. size_t count = 0; while(*p & 128)\ i = i | ((*(p++) & 127) << 7*count++); i = i | (*(p++) << 7*count); return p; } size_t invocations = 0; inline int32_t ZigZagDecode(uint32_t n) { return (n >> 1) ^ -static_cast(n & 1); } size_t read_cached_tag(io_buf& cache, example* ae) { char* c; size_t tag_size; if (buf_read(cache, c, sizeof(tag_size)) < sizeof(tag_size)) return 0; tag_size = *(size_t*)c; c += sizeof(tag_size); cache.set(c); if (buf_read(cache, c, tag_size) < tag_size) return 0; ae->tag.erase(); push_many(ae->tag, c, tag_size); return tag_size+sizeof(tag_size); } struct one_float { float f; } __attribute__((packed)); int read_cached_features(parser* p, void* ec) { example* ae = (example*)ec; ae->sorted = p->sorted_cache; size_t mask = global.mask; io_buf* input = p->input; size_t total = p->lp->read_cached_label(ae->ld, *input); if (total == 0) return 0; if (read_cached_tag(*input,ae) == 0) return 0; char* c; unsigned char num_indices = 0; if (buf_read(*input, c, sizeof(num_indices)) < sizeof(num_indices)) return 0; num_indices = *(unsigned char*)c; c += sizeof(num_indices); p->input->set(c); for (;num_indices > 0; num_indices--) { size_t temp; unsigned char index = 0; if((temp = buf_read(*input,c,sizeof(index) + sizeof(size_t))) < sizeof(index) + sizeof(size_t)) { cerr << "truncated example! " << temp << " " << char_size + sizeof(size_t) << endl; return 0; } index = *(unsigned char*)c; c+= sizeof(index); push(ae->indices, (size_t)index); v_array* ours = ae->atomics+index; float* our_sum_feat_sq = ae->sum_feat_sq+index; size_t storage = *(size_t *)c; c += sizeof(size_t); p->input->set(c); total += storage; if (buf_read(*input,c,storage) < storage) { cerr << "truncated example! wanted: " << storage << " bytes" << endl; return 0; } char *end = c+storage; size_t last = 0; for (;c!= end;) { feature f = {1., 0}; size_t temp = f.weight_index; c = run_len_decode(c,temp); f.weight_index = temp; if (f.weight_index & neg_1) f.x = -1.; else if (f.weight_index & general) { f.x = ((one_float *)c)->f; c += sizeof(float); } *our_sum_feat_sq += f.x*f.x; size_t diff = f.weight_index >> 2; int32_t s_diff = ZigZagDecode(diff); if (s_diff < 0) ae->sorted = false; f.weight_index = last + s_diff; last = f.weight_index; f.weight_index = f.weight_index & mask; push(*ours, f); } p->input->set(c); } return total; } char* run_len_encode(char *p, size_t i) {// store an int 7 bits at a time. while (i >= 128) { *(p++) = (i & 127) | 128; i = i >> 7; } *(p++) = (i & 127); return p; } inline uint32_t ZigZagEncode(int32_t n) { uint32_t ret = (n << 1) ^ (n >> 31); return ret; } void output_byte(io_buf& cache, unsigned char s) { char *c; buf_write(cache, c, 1); *(c++) = s; cache.set(c); } void output_features(io_buf& cache, unsigned char index, feature* begin, feature* end) { char* c; size_t storage = (end-begin) * int_size; for (feature* i = begin; i != end; i++) if (i->x != 1. && i->x != -1.) storage+=sizeof(float); buf_write(cache, c, sizeof(index) + storage + sizeof(size_t)); *(unsigned char*)c = index; c += sizeof(index); char *storage_size_loc = c; c += sizeof(size_t); size_t last = 0; for (feature* i = begin; i != end; i++) { int32_t s_diff = (i->weight_index - last); size_t diff = ZigZagEncode(s_diff) << 2; last = i->weight_index; if (i->x == 1.) c = run_len_encode(c, diff); else if (i->x == -1.) c = run_len_encode(c, diff | neg_1); else { c = run_len_encode(c, diff | general); *(float *)c = i->x; c += sizeof(float); } } cache.set(c); *(size_t*)storage_size_loc = c - storage_size_loc - sizeof(size_t); } void cache_tag(io_buf& cache, v_array tag) { char *c; buf_write(cache, c, sizeof(size_t)+tag.index()); *(size_t*)c = tag.index(); c += sizeof(size_t); memcpy(c, tag.begin, tag.index()); c += tag.index(); cache.set(c); } void cache_features(io_buf& cache, example* ae) { cache_tag(cache,ae->tag); output_byte(cache, ae->indices.index()); for (size_t* b = ae->indices.begin; b != ae->indices.end; b++) output_features(cache, *b, ae->atomics[*b].begin,ae->atomics[*b].end); }