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Installation Files

touchegg.conf - Touchégg configuration file

This file handles all of the default gestures on installing Touchégg.

touchegg.desktop - Touchégg application XDG desktop entry file

This file contains a combination of meta information resources and a shortcut to the Touchégg application, in accordance with the XDG Desktop Entry specification which defines a standard for applications to integrate into application menus of desktop environments.

This file is installed into the system-wide XDG Autostart directory (/etc/xdg/autostart), which allows autostarting ordinary desktop entries on desktop environment startup. - Touchégg systemd service

This service runs Touchégg in daemon mode (touchegg --daemon) as part of the "input" group. The daemon will open a Unix domain socket so any service (usually touchegg --client) can have access to libinput's multi-touch gestures.

CMake configures the path for ExecStart and saves the result in touchegg.service.

Learn more about systemd


sudo cp installation/touchegg.service /lib/systemd/system
sudo systemctl enable touchegg.service
sudo systemctl start touchegg
systemctl status touchegg
journalctl -u touchegg -b -f  # Monitor the logs since last boot


Change the ExecStart to your binary path:

ExecStart=/home/jose/Devel/touchegg/build/touchegg --daemon

Copy the service file and restart it:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart touchegg